Aphorism 1 - 104 by Robert Ellis Dudgeon ORGANON OF MEDICINE PDF

Robert Ellis Dudgeon

Born at Leith on 17 March 1820, Dudgeon was a younger son of a timber merchant and shipowner there. After attending a private school he received his medical education at Edinburgh, partly in the university and partly in the extra-academical medical school.

Having received the licence of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1839, he attended lectures in Paris, by Velpeau, Andral, Louis, and others. He graduated M.D. at Edinburgh on 1 August 1841, and spent a semester at Vienna under Å koda, Rokitansky, Hebra, and Jäger. At Vienna fellow students John Drysdale and Rutherfurd Russell paid attention to fashionable homÅ“opathic practice, developed by Samuel Hahnemann some forty years before; but Dudgeon was not at the time attracted by Hahnemann's system. From Vienna he went to Berlin to study diseases of the eye under Jüngken, of the ear under Kramer, and organic chemistry under Simon. He also went to Dublin to hear Dominic Corrigan, Robert James Graves, Henry Marsh and William Stokes.

Having begun practice in Liverpool, Dudgeon in 1843 was there persuaded by Drysdale to study homÅ“opathy. The British Journal of HomÅ“opathy was first issued in this year, and Dudgeon translated German articles for it. After a second stay in Vienna to follow the homÅ“opathic practice of Wilhelm Fleischmann in the Gumpendorf hospital, he began to practise in London in 1845. He was editor of the British Journal of HomÅ“opathy, with Drysdale and Russell from 1846 until 1884, when the Journal ceased.

In 1850 Dudgeon helped to found the Hahnemann Hospital and school of homœopathy in Bloomsbury Square, with which was connected the Hahnemann Medical Society.
One of his patients, Robert Grosvenor, 1st Baron Ebury, assisted in defeating efforts by Sir James Simpson to have legislation passed against homeopaths practising.
 Dudgeon lectured in the school on the theory and practice of homÅ“opathy and published his lectures in 1854.
The legislative climate was still unfavourable, and the London Homeopathic Hospital set up in 1869 struggled as a school; certification was an issue, under the Medical Act 1858, and the teaching side closed in 1884;
Dudgeon was for a short time assistant physician there. He was secretary of the British Homœopathic Society in 1848, vice-president in 1874–75, and president in 1878 and 1890.

Elected president of the International HomÅ“opathic Congress which met in Atlantic City in 1904, Dudgeon did not attend because of bad health. He died at 22 Carlton Hill, London N.W., on 8 September 1904 and was cremated at Golder's Hill, his ashes being buried in Willesden cemetery




Organon of medicine by Dr R. E. Dudgeon


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