- Source : Vegetable kingdom
- Common name : Eye bright
- Family : Scrophulariaceae
- Prover : Dr. Hahnemann in 1819
- Miasm : Psora
- Temperament : Irritable
- Diathesis : Scrofulous
- Thermal : Chilly
- Duration of action : Upto 7 days
- Active principle : Tannic acid
- Profuse acrid lachrymation with profuse bland coryza (REV-ALLIUM CEPA)
- Eyes water all the time and are agglutinated in the morning (ARGENTUM NIT, CALCAREA CARB) Margins of lids, red swollen, burning.
- Excessive lachrymation during cough, Cough only in day time (FERRUM MET)
- Catarrhal affections of mucus membrane especially of eye and nose
- Great drowsiness during day time, Chilly patient can not get warm in bed
- Bad effects from fall, contusion or mechanical injuries of external parts or may be due to prolonged sudden exposure of eyes (south winds).
- Menses regular, flow lasting only one day, one hour.
- Cough alternates with piles
- Colic alternates with affected eyes
- Fear of losing reason
- Moaning groaning with chill and restless, nervous with heat
- Weak memory
- Homesickness : Nostalgia : Desire to go home
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- Catarrhal Headache
- Sensation :- Head is going to burst
- Character of pain :- Bruised, stitching pain in head
- Bland nasal discharge with Profuse acrid lachrymation
- Great sneezing and profuse fluent coryza
- Coryza extend into the larynx with hard cough and much offensive expectoration
- Cough : Exposure to south wind.
- Time : only in day time.
- Character of cough : Whooping cough (Terrible irritation in the larynx compelling the patient to cough)
- Sensation : Ticking sensation in larynx
- Character of sputa : Cough with copious, profuse, offensive expectoration
- Vomit the breakfast just eaten.
- Loose cough with rattling in chest
- Aggravation in morning and daytime.
- Relieved by lying down.
- Adopted to amphlyopia, opacity and ulceration of cornea with catarrhal condition.
- Sensation : Dryness, burning and biting in eyes.
- Character : Copious and acrid (Agglutinated in morning)
- Pain : Cutting pain
- Looks : Margins of lids red, swallon, burning, very much sensative to touch
- Aggravation by warmth, exposure to south wind.
- Euphrasia is suited for amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea
- Time : late or may be regular.
- Quantity : very scanty.
- Character : painful.
- Flow : lasts only for 1 hour, 1 day.
- Eruptive fever like measles
- Stage : First stage of measles
- Time : Mostly morning time
- During Fever : Chill with fever
- Profuse lachrymation with profuse bland coryza
- Eyes water all the time, fever associated with catarrhal headache as if head is going to be burst
- Look of face : Face is very much hot with coldness of body
- Sweat : Especially at night during sleep, most profuse on chest
- Aggravation in evening, after exposure to south wind
E - Excessive profuse acrid lacrimation
Y - Yet the eyes watery all the time inspire of that eyes are agglutination all the time
E - Excessive lachrymation during cough
B - Bryonia like vomiting just after breakfast eaten
R - Rapidly comes cough only in day time
I - Immediate bad effects from falls or mechanical injuries
G - Gagging untils he vomits
H - Hourly lasting menstruation