
What is Depression ?

 Depression means Sudden Affection or changes in mood ie , when  person suddenly feels sad or melancholic .

People adopt themselves to certain type of behavior or habbit eg . Staying alone , crying alone, hideing their fear from others .

  • These changes in personality may lead to Major depression in long term.
  • We can say that person is suffering from Major Depression when , person suffers from 2 or 3 major episodes of Depression. 

Some of the basic character's of Major Depressive Episode are : 

  1. Sadness in doing everykind of work is underlined cause.
  2. Change in Appetite ie, increase or decrease in hunger. 
  3. Loss of intrest in doing regular activities. 
  4. Feeling of loss of energy.
  5. Loss of ability to think or concentrate. 
  6. thoughts of person become negative .
  7. feeling of worthlessness becomes very prominent. 
  8. Depressed person never feels joyful  even in happiest moments of life.
  9. Person finds himself unattractive and inferior to others.
  10. Sucidal thoughts gets hit the mind of person , if the episode is not managed properly one may take the step forward and commit sucide.
  11. The person may have a feeling of being Hopeless and Helpless .

Each and every person must have suffered from this state all that matters is the sevearity of the above characters. 

Treatment :

  1. Seek Professional Help.
  2. Take Counseling sessions from psychological counselor's. 
  3. Homeopathic Constitutional remedies help a lot to manage the episodes of depression.
  4. Music Therepy sessions also help a lot. 
  5. Yoga and meditation .

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