Homeopathic Medicines for Viral Diseases

  • Viruses are microscopic organisms that exist almost everywhere on earth. They can infect animals, plants, fungi, and even bacteria.
  • Sometimes a virus can cause a disease so deadly that it is fatal. Other viral infections trigger no noticeable reaction.
  • Viruses are a parasite. 
  • Viruses vary in complexity. They consist of genetic material, RNA or DNA, surrounded by a coat of protein, lipid (fat), or glycoprotein. Viruses cannot replicate without a host, so they are classified as parasitic.


  • Viruses are living organisms that cannot replicate without a host cell.
  • They are considered the most abundant biological entity on the planet.
  • Diseases caused by viruses include rabies, herpes, and Ebola.
  • There is no cure for a virus, but vaccination can prevent them from spreading.
  • Before entering a cell, viruses exist in a form known as virions.
  • During this phase, they are roughly one-hundredth the size of a bacterium and consist of two or three distinct parts:
  • Genetic material, either DNA or RNA
  • a protein coat, or capsid, which protects the genetic information
  • a lipid envelope is sometimes present around the protein coat when the virus is outside of the cell
  • Viruses do not contain a ribosome, so they cannot make proteins. This makes them totally dependent on their host. They are the only type of microorganism that cannot reproduce without a host cell.
  • After contacting a host cell, a virus will insert genetic material into the host and take over that host’s functions.
  • After infecting the cell, the virus continues to reproduce, but it produces more viral protein and genetic material instead of the usual cellular products.


  • A virus exists only to reproduce. When it reproduces, its offspring spread to new cells and new hosts.
  • The makeup of a virus affects its ability to spread.
  • Viruses may transmit from person to person, and from mother to child during pregnancy or delivery.
  • They can spread through:
  • touch
  • exchanges of saliva, coughing, or sneezing
  • sexual contact
  • contaminated food or water
  • insects that carry them from one person to another
  • Some viruses can live on an object for some time, so if a person touches an item with the virus on their hands, the next person can pick up that virus by touching the same object. The object is known as a fomite.
  • As the virus replicates in the body, it starts to affect the host. After a period known as the incubation period, symptoms may start to show.


  1. Smallpox- The common cold and different types of flu
  2. Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, and shingles
  3. Hepatitis
  4. Herpes and cold sores
  5. Polio
  6. Rabies
  7. Ebola and Hanta fever
  8. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS
  9. Severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)
  10. Dengue fever, Zika, and Epstein-Barr
  11. Some viruses, such as the human papilloma virus (HPV), can lead to cancer.
  12. Covid-19

Homeopathic medicines for different viral diseases

Small Pox

Preventive - Variolinum 200

Curative - Mostly prescribed Antim Tart 200 

Thuja 200


Preventive - Gelsemium 30, Influenzinum 200

Bryonia 30 - Influenza with Great thirst for Large quantity of water at  long interval, all pain worse by motion better by rest. 

Gelsemium 30 - Dullness, dizziness, drawsiness with no thirst, chill in back. 

Eupatorium 30 - Sevior body pain with nausea and vonuting of bile. 

Rhus Tox 30 - Fever with body pain which better by motion worse by rest, after wet in water. 


Preventive - Morbilinum


* Pulsatilla:  it is recommended when a rash develops on the body slowly. When pt suffers from ear inflammation, stuffy nose, and cough. intolerable external heat and burning sensation, particularly at night, 

* Aconite: it is for the initial stages of measles. When there is dry skin and turns restless, particularly during the night with irritability, the fear of death, and anxiety, 

* Belladonna: when pt suffer a high temperature with hot skin, sensitive and dilated pupils, acute discomfort due to a headache, rapid pulse, perspiration, and a flushed face. 

* Apis:  The skin eruptions resulting due to measles. It is recommended when the measles rash slowly erupts on your body and makes you suffer from swelling and puffiness, particularly on your facial area around your lips and eyes. Apis also helps you get relief from the discomfort that you suffer due to itchiness and irritation that is usually aggravated due to heat

Chicken Pox 

Preventive - variolinum and Malandrinum 


Aconite, Balladonna, Apis, Rhus Tox, Pulsatilla, Merc Sol etc according to symptoms. 


Preventive - Arsenic Alb 

Medicine - Rhus Tox, Variolinum, Arsenic Alb, Cantheris. 


Preventive -Thuja . 


Thuja 200, Celidonium Q, Carduus Mar Q, Nat Sulph 6X

Cold Sores


Rhus Tox 30, Nit Acid 200


Preventive - Gelsemium 200


Lathyrus 1M, Bungarus 200, Gelsemium 1M


Preventive - Hydrophobinum 1M

Medicine - Lyssin 30


Preventive - Aconite CM, Crotalus 30


Crotalus 30, Bothrops 30, Lachesis 200


Preventive - Arsenic Alb 

Medicine - Arsenic Alb 30, Crotalus 30, Lachesis 200, Nat Mur 200, Phosphorus, etc 


Preventive - Pneumococcine 200

Medicine - Pneumococcine 200, Antim Tart, 


Preventive - Eupatorium Perf 30

Medicine - Eupatorium 30, Phosphorus, 200, Crotalus 30, Bryonia 30, Arsenic Alb 30 , Pyrogen 200 etc 

Human papilloma or warts

Preventive - Thuja 1M

Medicine - Thuja 200, Dulcamara 200, Acid Nit, Causticum 200, Nat Sulph, Nat Mur 200 etc 

Covid-19 or Corona

Preventive - Arsenic Alb 30

Medicine - Bryonia 200, Arsenic Alb 200, Camphor 1M, Antim Tart 200 , Naja 200 etc

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