1. Fear of aeroplanes flying overhead- Acon., Arnica, Cham., Ignatia, Nat.Mur
2. Fears to go to bed alone- Causticum
3. Averse to amusement- Baryta.c, Staphy, Sulph
4. Irritable gets angry with everything- Bryonia
5. Awakens terrified,clings to those around- Stramonium
6. Enjoys cold water bath- Puls, Apis, Nat.Mur
7. Wants to bite anything that it gets- Podophyllum, Phytolacca
8. Dislikes to be carried- Bryonia
9. Fear of being run over by vehicles- Phos, Hydrocyanic acid
10. Lets the nipple go and cries- Ant.Tart
11. Obstinate,cries when spoken to- Sil
12. Fear of dogs,creeping insects- China
13. Cross after sleep- Lyco
14. Cruel habits in children- Anacardium
15. Hides things- Bell
16. Craves meat- Calc Phos, Mag Carb
17. Does not want to play- Baryta Carb
18. Can be quieted only when carried- Cham
19 Does not drink water unless sweetened- Sulph
20. Sucks thumb- Calc.Phos
21. Bites nails- Amm.brom., Ars alb, Sanicula, Hyos.
22. Disposition to touch different things- Bell, Thuja, Sulphur
23. Pretends weeping without tears- Staphysagria
24. Weeps from oversensitiveness- Kali Phos
25. Weeps vehemently- Rheum
26. Weeps until it gets something to eat- Belladonna
27. Does not allow to undress for examination- Pulsatilla
28. Fear of approaching vehicle- Phosphorus
29. Obstinate to the extreme- Capsicum
30. Cannot remember what has been taught-Aethusa, Calc carb, Baryta carb, Phosphorus
31. Steals money-calc carb.....