1) Aconite : Very much Thirsty patient which is relived after drinking cold water.
2) Apis mel : Thirst without fever .
3) Apocynum can : Intense great thirst in dropsy condition.
4) Arsenic Alb : Great thirst , but drinks little little water in small intervel.
5) Bismuth : Thirst For cold water or drinks sply in evening but their are eructation of gas after drinking water or cold drink.
6) Bryonia : Qbscence of thirst but when thirsty drinks water in large quantities.
7) Cuprum met : thirst for large quantities of water after epilepsy attack
8) Digitalis : thirst relived by drinking sour drinks.
9) Hellebour : intense thirst , hellebourous patient drinks water like a greedy man
10) opium : patient is very thirsty with anxiety issues.
11) Phosphrous : Thirst for cold water , but the water becomes warm when it reaches in stomach.
12) Puls : puls is remedy with no thirst.
13) Secle Cor : unquenchable thirst with desire of cold water .
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