Inflammation In rectum and proctitis dealing with homoeopathy

Constipation in the anus is the cause of the swelling of the anus. Generally, a person does not discharge stool properly because of constipation. In this case, stool starts to putrefy in the intestines by drying. When the victim goes for evacuation, the stool comes by rubbing through anus because of which swelling comes in the duct anus. Besides it, moles of piles can be the cause of anus’s swelling. 

Treatment with different medicines: 

  1. Aloe: The patient feels pressure in the anus towards below because of swelling and it appears to the patient as if there is a wound in the anus. The patient gets relief by washing anus from cold water and stool comes out itself along with wind from the anus. If the patient has been suffering from such symptoms, the use of Aloe-6 will prove very beneficial. 
  2. Podophylum: If there is new swelling in the anus and the patient gets no relief by the use of Aloe, the use of Podophylum-6 is very beneficial. 
  3. Colchicum: If the patient has been suffering from such symptoms as general swelling in the anus, white pieces with the blood when the patient evacuates stool with the sensation of stool filled in the anus but nothing comes when he evacuates, the use of Colchicum 3 or 30 proves very beneficial in all these symptoms. 
  4. Phosphorus: If swelling of the anus is chronic along with pus and severe pain, the use of Phosphorus-30 proves very beneficial. 
  5. Nitric acid: swelling of the anus is chronic along with pus and severe pain because of syphilis, the use of nitric acid 6 proves very beneficial in this stage. 
  6. Ignatia: If the patient has been suffering from pinching pain along with the swelling of the anus and the pain reaches into the deep of the anus, the use of the medicine named Ignatia 200 proves very beneficial. This medicine is also beneficial if there are cracks in the anus. The patient has one symptom too that is pain in the anus along with contraction while evacuating of stool. 
  7. Rhus tox: If there is swelling in the anus along with the origin of pus near about the anus, he should take Rhus Tox-6 to get relief in these kinds of symptoms. 

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