Constitution plays important part in the selection of remedies under Homeopathic system of treatment. Dr. Clarke has written a book on Constitutional Diseases dealing with various types of constitutions recognised by Homoeopathy and the Remedies for such constitutions. In this chapter an effort has been made to give a bird’s eye view of these constitutions. Normally homoeopaths divide all their patients in three Constitutions or in other words in three ’Miasms’.
They are:-
1. Syphilitic
2. Sycotic
3. Psoric
2. The above miasma may be inherited to acquired at any stage of life. In syphilitic constitutions, the old history of Syphilis in the family may be traced. This, if necessary, be confirmed by testing blood in a laboratory. In the second constitution, the hereditary cause may be Gonorrhoea. In the third constitution which is called Psoric, we may trace the history of skin diseases in the family or the patient. To antidote these miasms we generally give Mercury for syphilitic, Thuja for sycotic and Sulphur for psoric. These remedies are to be thought of in ailments where well-selected remedies fail either to effect cure or improvement. So fas as my experience goes, there are other remedies also, the administration of which is necessary in order to remove the evil effect of any of the three miasma. For instance, Typhoid fever is normally found in patients who possess peoric constitution. At times, the disease remains unabated until a dose of Tuberculinum 200 or 1000 were administered as an intercurrent remedy. By this remedy several cases of cure have been to my credit in the case of prolonged fevers. It is not uncommon where typhoid fever may continue for 2 to 3 months or even more to the utter disappointment of the attendant and the physician. In all such cases the constitutional remedies should be given as inter current remedies. I generally give Sulphur 200 as the first inter current constitutional remedy. If this fails, I try Psorinum and last of all Tuberculinum in high potencies such as 200 or 1000. Which the last named remedy several cases have been cured which would not otherwise yield to well selected remedies. Similarly in cases of Gout or Rheumatist it may be necessary to administer a dose of Medorrhinum 200 or higher in order to achieve good results. Here again I have learnt by experience that in several cases of Gout and Rheumatism which are based on psychotic poison in the system. Medorrhinum is the remedy which cannot be ignored and which cures permanently cases of Gout and Rheumatism. It should be given in high potency (not less than 200) and doses should not be repeated too often. Mercury is an antidote for syphilis but Syphilinum which is a nosode should not be overlooked. At times it may be necessary to take resort to a nosode when other well-selected remedies fail.
3. Turning now to the modalities of the chronic miasms, syphilitic patients generally suffer or are worse during night; psychotic patients feel worse during the day. Pseudo-psoric patients can be worse at any time during the day or night and medicines for them are to be selected according to the modalities of each case.
4. Dr. Grauvogl has, however, divided patients in an other Type of three constitutions, namely:-
- The Hydrogenoid Constitution, which is characterised by an excess of Hydrogen and consequently of water in the human system.
- The Oxygenoid, which is characterised by an excess of Oxygen or, at least, by an exaggerated influence of Oxygen on the organism.
- Carbo-Nitrogenoid Constitution, which is characterised by an excess of Carbon and Nitrogen in the organism.
The Hydrogenoid constitution correspond closely to Huhnemann’s Sycotic whereas Oxygenoid Constitution corresponds to Syphilitic.
The Carbo-Nitrogenoid corresponds to Hahnemann’s Psoric. In order to combat diseases under the various constitutions we must treat them with remedies indicated in the corresponding constitutions indicated by Dr. Hahnemann.
For Hydrogenoid constitution, Dr. Grauvogl recommends Nux Vomica in low potency, say IX works wonders. The patients possessing this constitution are worse during rainy season or wet weather. They feel cold even in hot weather and are worse by drinking cold water. The other remedies suitable for such constitutions are Natrum Sulph and Aranea Diadema. Similarly, the studies with reference to the corresponding constitutions mentioned by the Master-Dr. Hahnemann.