Acute laryngitis


This disease occurs due to getting much cold, wetting in the water, singing songs for a long time, thickening dust particles inside the throat, entering smoke in the mouth, speaking loudly and due to changing weather suddenly. 


In this disease, mucus membrane of the larynx gets swelling and sticky mucus start to come out from it. The main symptoms of this disease are- feeling burning sensation in the throat; coming out tough mucus, voice becomes like dog, whooping cough, hoarseness, fever, feeling much thirst, lack of appetite, having difficulty in breathing, etc. 

Treatment of this disease by following drugs:

  1. Belladonna- If the patient has severe fever, his body feels hot like fire, having whooping cough, drowsiness, the face becomes red, the eyeball has become wide and contracted, sweating under the covered part of the body, pain in the throat and delirium (weeping and crying) persists in the patient all the time, etc., Belladonna 3 should be used. 
  2. Aconite- If other symptoms are found with laryngitis like- whooping cough and has to cough again and again for removing out phlegm from the throat, fever, restless, throat pain, short breathing (breathless), etc., Aconite 3x should be taken. 
  3. Bromium- If the upper section of the air tube has become sick in the case of laryngitis and the child holds his throat while coughing, taking Bromium 1x is very effective. 
  4. Spongia or Iodine- If the patient is suffering from whooping and dry cough, hoarseness, having difficulty in breathing, aggravating the disease before midnight, etc., taking Spongia 3x or Iodine 3 is very useful. If this disease has occurred in a weak child, giving Iodine instead of Spongia is appropriate. 
  5. Phosphorus- In the condition of hoarseness occurring due to disordering of the larynx, Phosphorus 3 should be taken. This drug acts better on the larynx. 
  6. Kali-bicrom- In the condition of coming out concentrated sticky thread like tough yellow mucus, powder of Kali-bicrome 3x or 6 is used.
  7. Hepar-sulphur- Cough becomes loose but patient has hoarseness. Whirring sound goes on producing in the mouth and disease gets aggravated by dry and cold air, but symptoms of disease gets ameliorate, using Hepar-sulphur 6 is beneficial. 
  8. Arsenic- If laryngitis has occurred in the condition of collapse fever and excess weakness, use Arsenic 3x or 6 is very effective.
  9. Causticum- Taking Causticum 6 is very effective in the condition of hoarseness and pain in the chest.
  10. Some other treatments:-

  • In the initial stage of this disease, drugs like- Acon, Spongia or Antim-tart, etc. can be used.
  • If laryngitis becomes mature, Bromin, Iod, Spongia, Kali-bi and Hepar-sulphur, etc. are used. This drug should be used at an interval of 15-15 minutes to 3-3 hours.
  • Immerse a piece of cloth in very hot water and squeeze it and then putting on the throat provides relief.
  • The body should be covered with warm clothes.
  • In this disease, smoking and drinking is very harmful.
  • Drinking hot water or hot milk is very useful and then he should consult a doctor.

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