Shivering, as in fits, occurs also in this disease. As in fits, first of all, the patient has shivering and then he becomes unconsciousness. Homoeopathic doctors have discovered many drugs for the treatment of such patient who has been suffering from this disease, which helps to cure shivering.
Treatment of this disease by following drugs:
- Agaricus- If the patient’s hands and legs start shivering; the body is turned into blue and he feels coldness, he should take Agaricus 3X.
- Merc-sol- If tremor has occurred after starting shivering in the fingers, taking Merc-sol 12 or 30 is very effective.
- Stramonium or Aconite- If the patient becomes unconscious after beginning of shiver in his hands and legs due to fear, Stramonium 3x or Aconite 3 should be taken.
- Ignatia- if the patient got unconsciousness in the condition of fast shivering due to mental irritation (stimulation), he should take Ignatia 3.
- Bell, Ipecac, Nux-vomica- If shiver occurs due to eating opium, Belladonna 3, Ipecac 3x or Nux-vomica 2x should be taken.
- Antim-tart or Nux-vomica- If shivers occurs due to taking liquor, using Antim-tart 6 or Nux-vomica 2x is very effective.
- Gelsemium- if this disease has occurred after starting shivering in the fingers and is moved to the entire body, it should be treated with Gelsemium 1x. In this disease, Hyoscyamus 3 and Zincum-Picric 3x can be used for getting more benefits.