Wounds appear in the urinary tube with pain due to exposure to cold in the urinary bladder, injury, contraction of the urinary tube (ureter), use catheter to bring out urine, etc. Urine, containing pus and blood, comes out with the feeling of fast burning sensation. Thus, patient should use homoeopathic drugs in this disease.
Disease and drugs used in it:-
1. Arnica- Give Arnica 3x in the condition of burning sensation and pain in the ureter (urinary pipe) and mix this drugs in 10 times water then immerse a piece of clothes in this water. It should be wrapped around the penis.
2. Belladonna- Give Belladonna 3x or 6 when patient feels throbbing pain with fever.
3. Aconite- When patient feels burning sensation with fever, he should use Aconite.
4. Cantharis- In the case of feeling fast burning sensation and pain at the time of making water, using Cantharis 3 or 6 is very effective.