The meal reaches in the duodenum (paksthali) through oesophagus after having meal where it digests. The meal which does not digest fully in the duodenum digests in the small intestines. Meal reaches into the rectum in the form of faeces after digesting in the small intestines and the faeces evacuates out from this place. The place, where the small intestine ends in the lower portion of the right side stomach and large intestine starts is called Kokh in Hindi language. There is a shape of pouch where both intestines connect to each other in the womb and it is called seecum.
There is an appendix like insect connecting to the seecum. The condition in which inflammation creates in this part is called appendicitis. Big intestine is connected with the seecum. The big intestine divides into three parts first is ascending colon which goes from siccum to naval above the right side stomach, second is transverse colon which goes from right to the left equal to stomach and third is dis-ascending colon which goes to the anus. All the three parts of the large intestine are known as colon and its inflammation is called colitis.
Mucus comes with loose motions along with pain in this disease. Homeopathic medicines are used in this disease for get relief. Mostly, the medicines as Sulphur, Argentums Nitricum, Cadmium, Cantharides, Colvicum, Dyoskoriya, Magnesia Carb, Thuja, Merc Saul and Mercurius Corrosivus are used.
Use of different medicines for the treatment of different symptoms of disease affected colon:
1. Sulphur: If swelling comes in the colon, the patient should take 200 potencies of the medicine Sulphor. Its use proves very beneficial.
2. Argentums nitricum: If the patient of colitis suffers from these symptoms as gastritis, membranous discharges of mucus with loose motions, constipation, and pain in the splenic flexture of colon in the left portion of the stomach near about the spleen and glutinous substance with loose motions, the patient should take 3-30 potencies of the medicine Argentum Nitricum. Its use provides a lot of relief. The patient of this disease likes sweets very much and suffers from loose motions after eating sweets.
3. Cadmium: When a person suffers from colon disease, he shows such types of symptoms as loose motions like jelly and biting pain in the intestines. The patient should take 3-30 potencies of the medicine cadmium to get relief.
4. Cantharis: If the patient of colon suffers from these symptoms as inflammation and pain of the intestines and it seems as if pieces of intestines are coming out, excessive thirst, retching and vomiting, the use of 30 potencies of the medicine cantharis provides a lot of relief.
5. Colchicum: In such symptoms as mucus membrane along with loose motions, tearing pain in the intestines, retching, no bearing power to smell the fragrance of kitchen and feeling bad by the odour of food, the patient should take 30 potencies of the medicine colchicum for get relief.
6. Dyoskoriya: The patient of colon suffers from severe stomach pain which calms by walking or moving and the pain starts again if a little pressure is given the stomach. Such patient should take the medicine Dyoskoriya.
7. Magnesia carb: the symptoms are as mucus and blood with loose motions, gripping pain in the stomach and sour odour from the body, the patient of colon should take 30 potencies of the medicine Magnesia Carb.
8. Thuja: The patient should take this medicine if he suffers from amoebic dysentery or colitis.
9. Merc- saul or cum cor: If blood comes more than mucus with loose motions, he should take 30 potencies of the medicine Merc- Caur but if mucus comes more than blood, he should take merc-saul to get relief.