
When the body is suffered from deficiency of blood quantity or deficiency of red blood carpules (RBC) in the blood due to any reason, it is called ‘Anemia’. When someone suffers from this disease, his face becomes yellow or whilte due to lack of blood in his body; his body becomes lean and thin with other symptoms like- lack of appetite, headache, vertigo, fast heartbeats, unable to do any work and feels difficulty in walking due to weakness. This disease occurs due to discharging of additional blood during any disease. In women, it occurs due to additional menstrual flow. 

If normal quantity of blood in the body is decreased or the quantity of RBC is decreased in blood or blood is not able to form in the body, is called ‘Anemia’. The function of hemoglobin is to supply oxygen in different parts of the body. When the quantity of hemoglobin is decreased additionally, is called ‘Anemia’. 

In this disease, mainly following drugs are used like- China (Cinchona), Acid-phos, Natrum-mur, Ferrum Mettalicum, Calcarea-phos, Carbo-veg, Arsenic, Muriatic Acid, Pulsatilla or Sepia, etc. 


Anemia occurs due to lack of light and fresh air, lack of nutritive diet, improper sleep, doing excess mental or physical work, malfunctioning of the digestive functions, additional bleeding during menstruations, living in dirty places, bleeding in piles, coming out additional fluid and blood from the body, etc. It can be hereditary or due to suffering from any disease for a long time. 


Due to deficiency of blood in the body, the patient is suffering from less physical (body) strength, loss of appetite, indigestion, deficiency of blood in the mucus membrane, headache, difficulty in breathing, fast heartbeats, fast pulse rate, blisters on the tongue, loss of body weight, vertigo, etc. The patient feels too weakness while walking; body temperature is decreased; sometimes swelling also comes in the heels; the body becomes thin; face becomes dirty or yellow; excessive lethargy; laziness comes; difficulty in taking breath and heartbeats becomes fast. 

Use of different drugs in Anemia:- 

1. Sepia- Sepia is used in both the diseases- anemia and green sickness. In different symptoms occurring due to anemia like- the patient remains sad and quite all the time; undesired for doing anything; tolerable ability is decreased; he becomes weak and thin; becomes irritable temperament and angry too; does not like to meet, talk and sit with others, taking Sepia 200 is very effective in such symptoms. 

2. China (Cinchona)- If bleeding has took place due to any reason that causes weakness in the body and deficiency of blood, give China 30 or 3 to the patient. 

3. Acid-phos- In the cases of blood deficiency and weakness in the body due to involving excess in sexual intercourse, Acid-phos 30 should be taken. 

4. Ferrum-met- In different symptoms occurring due to deficiency of blood like- coldness of the hands and legs, becoming the cheek as red easily while taking with someone, facial redness or yellowness, shivering of the body after doing even little work, etc., Ferrum-met 3 or 6 should be given. 

5. Calcarea-phos- In the case of anemia and to eliminate body weakness, taking Calcarea-phos 6x is very effective. 

6. Carbo-veg, Arsenic, Muriatic acid- Several types of symptoms occur due to blood deficiency like- coldness of the skin especially the skin below the knees; the patient fears about his death all the time; pulse becomes narrow; cold sweating from the body; excessive weakness of the body, etc., giving Carbo-veg 30, Arsenic 30 and Muriatic acid 30 is very effective to cure such symptoms. 

7. Natrum-Mur- If weakness comes due to anemia; the patient becomes weak and thin even after taking nutritive diet with other symptoms like- violent headache, short breathing by climbing even little height, scanty menstrual flow, constipation, etc., taking Natrum-mur 30 or 200 is very beneficial. 

8. Pulsatilla-Sometimes anemia occurs also due to green sickness that affects mostly young women. Anemia occurs in woman due to disorders related with menses causes her body as green. Due to anemia, the patient feels excessive coldness in her body, does not like to live in a closed room, starts feeling cold with pain and this type of pain is aggravated with cold. These symptoms are cured by giving Pulsatilla 30 or 200. 

Use of drugs in anemia due to other reasons:- 

  • If anemia has occurred due to discharging of additional fluid or blood from the body, the sufferer should use following drugs like- China, Acid-phos, Carbo-veg, Kali-phos, Calca-phos, etc. Anyone among these drugs is used to get benefit. 
  • If anemia has occurred due to scanty menstrual flow, taking Puls or Ferrum is very effective. 
  • If a person has suffered from anemia due to deficiency of fresh air or light, he should use Nux-vomica, Natrum-mur, Ferrum, Puls, Calca-carb, etc. 

Types of anemia:- 

There are two types of anemia-

  1. Primary anemia
  2. Secondary anemia.

Primary anemia- 

Primary anemia means occurring by itself. It is also of two types- green sickness (chlorosis) and Progressive Pernicious anemia. 

Green sickness (chlorosis)- 

  • This disease occurs mostly in young women compared to men. In this disease, the skin of a woman is turned into yellow, dusty or greenish; boils appear; both the cheek is turned red; heartbeats become fast or slow; swelling comes on the face; feels difficulty in breathing; dry cough; feels normal heat; disordering starts breathing systems, blood circulation and duodenum. The suffered woman remains sad and worries all the time. This disease occurs more in between 14 to 18 years old women. 
  • It is hereditary too, so if mother suffers from this disease, it can occur in her daughter. Women who suffers from pilule disease (gutika), there is a possibility of occurring green sickness (chlorosis) in her daughter. In women chlorosis, disorders related to menses also occur. 
  • With chlorosis, other diseases like- heart diseases, T.B., intestinal wounds (ulcers), swelling, disorders of menses, inflammation of urinary glands and bleeding. 

Use of different drugs in this case:- 

1. Ferrum-mur or Pulsatilla- In the initial stage of chlorosis, the suffered woman should use Ferrum-mur 3x or Pulsatilla to get benefit. If a male suffers from this disease, this drug is also used. 

2. Natrum-mur or Calcarea-phos- If chlorosis persists for long time and has aggravated, taking Natrum-mur 30 or Calcarea-phos 6 is very effective. These drugs provide benefit especially in the cases laziness and lethargy physically and mentally. 

3. Calcarea-phos- If a woman suffers from anemia with chlorosis, using Calcarea-phos 3 is very effective. 

4. Ferrum-Mur-If anemia has occurred with chlorosis, taking Ferrum-mur 3x is very effective. 

Common rules for this disease:- 

Follow these rules in the case of anemia- eat nutritive and easily digestible food stuffs, walk in the morning and evening, live in neat and clean house, take bath with lukewarm water after adding little salt in it, spinach soup should be taken because it helps in enhancing RBC in the blood. 

Progressive Pernicious anemia:- 

This disease generates very serious disorders after aggravating slowly, which is called ‘Progressive Pernicious anemia’. No one know that how this disease occurs, but RBC is decreased in the blood with changing its structure due to living in dirty and polluted air, mental stimulation, feeding with breasts for a long time, stomach disorders, etc. and this disease occurs. 


This disease occurring due to anemia attacks slowly. When anyone suffers from this disease, his face turns into light yellow, skin color is turned into light yellow like wax and sometimes symptoms of acute jaundice are also found. In this disease, the patient is suffering from other symptoms too like- feeling of weakness, lethargy, difficulty in breathing, lack of appetite, watery loose motions, laziness physically and mentally, increasing body temperature, soft and loose body fibers, fast heartbeats, symptoms of unconsciousness and sometimes nose bleeding too. 

Drugs used in this disease:- 

1. Arsenic- When the patient feels too weakness in his body due to this disease, this drug is used. By the use of this drug, the number of RBC becomes normal, so Arsenic 2x should be used when RBC is increased in the blood. For this purpose, 5 to 10 drops of this drug is given to the patient 3 times a day. It is used until the number of RBC became normal. We should be careful while using this drug and when the patient start suffering from burning in the duodenum or dilating the lower section of the eyes, stop the use of this drug (Arsenic) immediately. After it and if necessary, Arsenic 3x or 30 can be given to the patient. 

2. Phosphorus- If the liver, heart is obsessed in the case of anemia due to bleeding from the body and symptom of the enlargement of urinary bladder is found; the patient feels excessive sleepy in day time and restlessness at night due to anemia with other symptoms, give Phosphorus 6 or 3x to the patient. 

In this disease, besides Arsenic or Phosphorus, other drugs can be used according to above said symptoms like- Bacillinum 30 or 200 once in a week along with China 3 or 30, Argentum-ni 6, Hydrastis 3, Merc-vi 6x (powder), Cuprum 3, Plumbum 6, etc., In this disease, taking fish soup is very beneficial. 

(Secondary Anemia) 

This disease occurs due to living in dirty and polluted environment, carelessness about diet, taking rotten, stale and non-nutritive food, etc. It can also occur due to taking additional intoxicating materials like- quinine, liquor (alcohol), mercury, lead, zinc, copper, Arsenic, etc. 

It also occurs due to stomach ulcers, chronic inflammation of urinary glands, malaria, black fever, syphilis or T.B., etc. It also occurs due to improper development of bones, tumors, additional bleeding after getting hurt, falling down or surgery, etc. This disease occurs due to additional bleeding during delivery and profuse menstrual flow. 


The patient suffering from this disease becomes weak and thin; his body is turned into white, yellow, partial dusty; malfunctioning of the duodenum and bowels (intestines); the nerves become weak and thin; he feels headache, vertigo and unconsciousness; he does not feel hunger, feels neuralgic pain; weakness in the entire body and laziness comes.

 Drugs used in it:- 

1. Picric-acid- If the patient is suffering from undesired for doing physical and mental works; coming urets and phosphorus, etc. Picric-acid 3 should be used. 0.12 g of this drug should be used at an interval of every 6-6 hours. 

2. Plumbum-aceticum- If the patient is suffering from excessive constipation with anemia, 0.12 g of Plumbum-aceticum 6 should be taken 3 times a day. 

3. Pulsatilla or Ferrum-met- If a woman has suffered from anemia due to suppression of menses after coming little, taking Pulsatilla 6 or Ferrum-met 6 is very effective to cure disease. 

4. China or Phosphorus- If anemia has occurred due to destroying additional sperm, bleeding, dysentery or white leucorrhea, etc., using China 3 or Phosphoric acid 3 is very beneficial. 

5. Arsenic- If swelling has come due to deficiency of blood in the body; his body becomes as weak as he is not able to sit and stand; persisting sadness and hopelessness due to disorders of vital power, etc., Arsenic 6 should be taken. It enhances vital power and eliminates disease. 

6. Nitric-acid or Arum-met- If anemia has occurred due to destroying blood while any disease, take Nitric-acid 6 or Arum-met. 

7. Sulphur- If well chosen drugs make no impression, take Sulphur for 2 days before taking these drugs. If the patient does not get any benefit even after it, giving Natrum-sulph 3x (powder) or 30 is very beneficial. 

Use of other drugs according to symptoms:- 

  • According to above said symptoms of secondary anemia, different drugs are used like- Ferrum-ridactus, China 1x or 3, Arsenic 3x, Calcarea-carb 6, Hellonius 2x, Plumbum 3, Phosphorus 3, etc. Before using these drugs, sure what is the reason of this disease? Use these drugs according to diseases like- malaria, T.B., dysentery, delivery, etc. 
  • If the reason of this disease did not diagnosed, using drugs like- Arsenic 3x or 30, Apis 3 or 30, Calca-carb 6 or 30, Carbo-veg 6 or 30, China 6 or Pulsatilla 6, etc., is very beneficial. 
  • If anemia has occurred in a malaria patient, Natrum-mur 30 should be taken. 
  • If anemia has occurred due to malaria with other symptoms like- yellow tongue, lack of appetite, frequent retching with headache, excessiveness of bile, etc., using Austria verginica 2x or 6x is very effective. 


  • In the case of anemia, the patient should take vitamin B-12, green vegetables, nuts, dry grapes, strawberry, eggs, wheat, date, milk and milk products. 
  • Taking raw vegetables juice, spinach, carrot, radish, etc. is very beneficial in anemia. 
  • Taking tea, coffee, cold beverages, etc. is harmful. 

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