In this disease, bones become weak and the patient’s body starts to be seen like a Skelton. Due to this disease, calcium level is decrease in the body and bones become thin and weak. Bones start to crack due to it. Mostly, those women are suffered from this disease that have crossed menopause. This disease also occurs in those whose age is in between 20 to 30 years. The bones that are affected more from this disease are lower vertebra.
- This disease occurs in women after menopause due to disordering of hormones.
- This disease occurs due to taking additional steroid.
- This disease also occurs due to lack of Vitamin ‘D’ and Calcium in the body.
- It can also occur due to smoking or taking additional alcohol.
- This disease also occurs due to chronic (old) disease of the defects of the kidneys, the liver, the thyroid gland or absorption, because due to such reasons, appropriate amount of calcium is not able to absorb in the body.
- Sometimes, it is also hereditary.
- It can also occur when patient has stopped walking and moving for a long time that is whether due to paralysis or chronic disease.
- It also occurs in those who have to remain in sitting posture.

What should we do or not in the case of bones dryness:-
- First of all, the patient suffering from this disease should change his sitting habit and then should take proper treatment.
- The patient should take exercise daily in the morning and evening.
- This disease can be prevented by taking regular exercise.
- The patient should not do such work by which, pressure falls on the bones, because the possibility of bone fracture persists by doing so.
- We can protect our self from this disease by running, walking, playing tennis, etc.
- The patient should take calcium and Vitamin ‘D’ in appropriate quantity in his diet so that disease can cure soon (easily).
- Taking Soya bean, fruits have hard peals, grains and pulses, soup or milk without cream is beneficial in this disease.
- Taking eatables containing calcium in enough quantity as- cauliflower, curd without fat, green vegetables, etc. provides benefits.
- Avoid soft drinks and meat (red), because it creates obstruction in absorbing calcium.
- Patient should avoid alcohol, coffin because the symptoms of disease can be aggravated by them.
- Avoid smoking because it can be also aggravated the disease.
- Patient should be careful about his weight and does not allow increasing weight. For this, patient should take nutritive diet and take exercise everyday.
- When pain occurs in the waist or the back suddenly, legs bones are decomposing or the symptoms like paralysis are found in the jaw bones, patient should take treatment immediately according to the advice of a doctor.