
In this disease, pimples appear on one side of the upper or lower eyelids means small pimples appear in the glands providing moisture to the eyes which is called Hordeolum or Stye. It does not affect vision until it affects the eyes. 

Causes of Stye:- 

Mostly, this disease is caused by bacteria. It is also due to exposure to cold and excess weakness in the body. 

Symptoms of Stye:- 

When this disease occurs, the eyelids become red, pain begins and unbearable swelling and blister occurs. After some days, pus is filled in these blisters. Itching sensation also occurs on the eyelids. 

Treatment of Stye with different drugs:- 

  1. Pulsatilla:- 6-30 potency of Pulsatilla should be used to cure this disease. This drug can also cure stye of the left eye. 
  2. Hepar-sulphur:- If Pulsatilla fails, Hepar-sulphur 6 should be used to cure Stye. 
  3. Sulphur:- If boils are appearing again and again in the condition of Stye and become hard after dry, 30 potency of sulphur should be used. This drug should be also used in the case of stye on the upper eyelids. 
  4. Staphysagria:- If boils are appearing again and again in the condition of Stye and become hard after dry, using Staphysagria 6 is beneficial. This drug should be also used if stye occurred in the lower eyelids. If haltingly (periodic) pain occurs like scratching, Staphysagria drug should be used to cure this type of symptom. This drug also cures stye completely occurring again and again. 
  5. Mercurius:- If stye has occurred on the upper eyelids, using Mercurius 3 provides benefit. 
  6. Causticum:- Causticum 6 should be used to cure stye occurring on the upper eyelids. 
  7. Alumina:- Alumina 6 should be used to cure stye occurring on the upper eyelids resulting stye is cured. 
  8. Phosphorus:- 6 potency of Phosphorus should be taken in the condition of occurring stye on the eyes downwards. 
  9. Rhus-tox:- If stye has occurred on the eyes downward, Rhus-tox 6 should be used. 
  10. Lycopodium:- 12 potency of Lycopodium should be used in the condition of stye occurring in the corner of the eye. This drug can be used on maturing stye and forming pus in it. To cure stye in the left eye, this drug can be used too. 
  11. Stannum:- Using Stannum 6 is beneficial to cure stye occurring in the corner of the eyes. 
  12. Hepar:- Hepar 6 is very useful in the condition of stye as well as pus in it forming in the corners of the eyes. If the patient is feeling pain like dripping in the condition of stye and this pain ameliorates by using hot things, this drug can be used. This drug can be also used in the condition of occurring stye in the corners of the eyes and upper eyelids. 
  13. Merc-sol:- Merc-sol should be used in the condition of stye in the corners of the eyes with forming pus in it. 
  14. Poltis:- Stye is burst by the use of Poltis drug or foments it with hot water then applies lukewarm ghee on it. Stye is healed soon. 
  15. Menyanthes:- Menynthes should be used in the feeling of stable eyelids and seems as if stye has occurred. 
  16. Sepia:- If the eyelids become red with occurring stye, Sepia should be used. 
  17. Amon-carb:- Amon-carb should be used in the feeling of strain in the condition of stye. This drug can be also used to cure stye occurring in the right eye. 
  18. Calc-carb:- To cure stye in the right eye, Calc-carb should be used resulting it is cured. 
  19. Natrum-mur:- Using Natrum-mur provides benefit in the condition of stye in the right eye. 
  20. Cantharis:- Cantharis can be used to cure stye of the right eye resulting the patient gets benefit. 
  21. Tepliz:- Tepliz can be used to cure stye of the right eye. 
  22. Zigia:- Zigia should be used to cure stye of the right eye resulting it is cured. 
  23. Graphites or Sulphur:- If stye occurs repeatedly after curing, to cure it completely, Graphites or Sulphur should be used resulting this type of repeatedly stye is cured. 
  24. Ilapse:- Ilapse should be used to cure stye of the left eye. 
  25. Uranium-nitricum:- Powder of Uranium-nitricum 3x can be used to cure stye of the left eye. 
  26. Pulsatilla:- Pulsatilla 200 should be used to cure stye occurring on the eyelids. 
  27. Staphysagria:- If stye is not cured by Puls, 30 potency of Staphysagria should be used resulting, this disease gets well. By the use of this drug, all types of stye can cure whether it occurs on the lower eyelids, upper eyelids, acute or chronic. 
  28. Hepar:- If Puls or Staphysagria makes no impression, Hepar Sulph 200 should be used. 

What should we do or not in the condition of stye:- 

  1. In this disease, the patient should foment for 10 minutes daily 3 to 4 times. 
  2. The eyes should be washed daily. 
  3. The patient should eat fruits, vegetables and drink juice because it enhances the ability of prophylactic. 
  4. The patient should not give his/her clothes and towel to anyone for use and should not use this type of things of others. 
  5. He/she should not do any type of make up over the eyes. If it is necessary to do this, wash and clean it properly later. 
  6. The patient should take vitamin A and C in his/her diet. 
  7. If these pimples are not disappear and swelling will affect your vision and stye is occurring repeatedly, consult a doctor and should take treatment. 

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