Tea is a kind of leaf of a plant which is very popular. Tea is not for drinking regularly. It is beneficial if it is drunk according to need. it is beneficial for cold and gastritis natured persons. Digestion system gets disturbed by taking tea on empty stomach and taking tea at the time of sleeping shoos sleep. Taking tea on large scale increases the circulation of blood and becomes the cause of neuralgia.
- Ferrum-phos- If a person feels convulsion in the stomach with pain due to taking additional tea, he does not able to digest even a little food, Ferrum-phos 3x can be given in such symptoms.
- Thuja- In the condition of neuralgic pain, Thuja 30 is very useful. To remove many symptoms of disease of those who take enough tea, taking Thuja 200 once in a week is appropriate. c or neuralgic stability, giving China 30 to him is beneficial. If the patient suffers from sleeplessness in the night, China 1 is beneficial.