Taking polluted water and meal and living in polluted atmosphere for long time become the cause of typhoid or enteric fever. This fever is known by many names as miyadi, motijhara, etc. the patient becomes feeble physically. He can die too if proper treatment is not done on time. 

Treatment by different medicines: 

1. Rhus Tox

  • The medicine Rhus Tox 30 is used for the treatment of typhoid or enteric fever. For the treatment of this disease, the medicine Rhus Tox can be compared with Baptisia. Both medicines are used for the treatment of these symptoms as restlessness, changing sides while sleeping and pain in the body. The medicine Rhus Tox is used when the patient suffers from such symptoms as appearance a red triangle mark at the tip of the tongue whereas the medicine Baptisia is used when there is no mark on the tongue. 
  • If the patient suffers from these symptoms as weeping or crying, grumbling continuously, least fetid smell from the tongue, involvement in own ideas, headache and no headache after epistaxis and he refuses to take the medicine because he thinks that it is not a medicine but poison, Rhus Tox medicine should be used in all these symptoms. 
  • The patient suffers from these symptoms as loose motions, yellow and brown colored faeces involuntarily along with fetid smell, wind in the stomach, pain in the right below portion of the stomach, pain in the back and other body organs. 

The patient also suffers from other symptoms as -

  1. Physical restlessness. 
  2. Triangle red tipped tongue. 
  3. Offensive diarrhea involuntarily. 
  4. If the patient suffers from all these symptoms along with typhoid, the medicine Rhus Tox should be given to the patient for relief. 

2. Bryonia:

  • If a patient of typhoid suffers from these symptoms as pain all over the body, sensation of exhaustion only by doing a little piece of work, sensation of nervousness by any type of movement, ache in the forehead so unbearable that he feels that the head will burst due to ache and he is unable in moving his head because of headache, heaviness in the head in the morning but no epistaxis, dreams of doing work, crying and weeping, unconsciousness and feeling as if he is going far from the house during unconsciousness, drinking water constantly in a little quantity after many short intervals and sensation of great thirst, the patient should take Bryonia 12-30 for the treatment of this disease. This medicine should be used in the early stages of constipation or loose motions to get relief. 
  • As the patient feels physical exhaustion, heaviness, headache, white tongue and anorexia along with Typhoid or Enteric fever, the medicine Bryonia should be used. 

This medicine is used for the treatment of such types of symptoms as- 

  1. Constipation and no diarrhea 
  2. Showing no movement 
  3. Soreness of the body 

3. Baptisiya:

  • The patient suffers from these symptoms as constant yawning, black or brown colored coating on the tongue, sinking into the lap of sleeping while answering, sensation of hard bed, feeling exhaustion, pain in the whole body, restlessness due to pain in the body and changing sides on the bed to avoid from the hardness of the bed, he should take the medicine Baptisiya 12. 
  • The medicine Baptisiya can not be used for each types of typhoid patients but it is the very useful medicine for the treatment of typhoid because its use can cure the symptoms of typhoid or Enteric fever more effectively than any other medicine. 
  • The patient suffers from these symptoms as heavy eyes, face like stupid, delirium, weeping and crying, excessive restlessness, sensation of cutting the body into many pieces and the patient changes the sides on the bed to collect his body pieces, feeling prostration, brown colored line at the middle of the tongue, fetid filth on the tongue, offensive smell from the breath, foul smell from the spit, sweating, urine and stool, high fever and pain in the large intestines. All the symptoms look like appendicitis. If there are three types of symptoms as given below appear in Typhoid, the medicine Baptisiya should be used. 
  • Unusual fetidity 
  • Besotted expression 
  • Mental depression. 

4. Hyosaymus:

  • If the patient of typhoid suffers from delirium or slight grumbling, scratching to the bed sheet with nails, stiffness in the muscles, folding and breaking the organs continuously and the patient losses control on the activities of body, the medicine Hyosaymus 6-30 or 200 should be given to the patient. Its use provides a lot of relief. 
  • If Typhoid becomes serious, the patient suffers from these symptoms as hanging of the below jaw, feeling excessive weakness and chorea in the body. Such patient should take Hyosamus 6 or 30 to get relief. 
  • The medicine Hyosaymus is used by the patient who suffers from these symptoms as evacuation of stool involuntarily, constant delirium, poisoning in the blood whereas the medicine Belladonna is used when the patient suffers from delirium because of congestion in the brain. The symptoms of the patient should be watched carefully before using the medicine Hyosaymus. 

5. Glemium:

  • The use of this medicine Gleimium 30 is used for the treatment of typhoid but it should be mentioned that the temperature should be low. The patient suffers from pain as if he has been beaten badly. Such patient should take the medicine Gleimium for relief. 
  • The patient of Typhoid suffers from these symptoms as constant headache, drowsiness, red face and he dislikes movements. In this situation, he should take the medicine Glesimium to get relief. 
  • The patient of typhoid suffers from the symptoms related to ligament. He thinks that he is about to fall ill but he has no worry about his disease. Such patient can use the medicine Glesimium to get relief. 
  • The patient of typhoid suffers from such symptom related to sleeping as hanging of the eyelids. The use of the medicine Glesimium proves very beneficial. 
  • If the patient of typhoid has been suffering from such symptoms as sensation of excessive chillness and trembling due to chill, the medicine Glesimium should be given to the patient in this condition. 
  • If the patient of typhoid suffers from these symptoms as pain in body in its early stage and prostration, the medicine Glesimium can be given. The medicine Baptisiya especially affects the mind more than Glesimium. The medicine Glesimium is more useful than Baptisiya. Second potencies of the medicine Glesimium should be used. 
  • In such symptoms as trembling of the body, drowsiness, no worry about the disease, the patient can take Glesimium 30 to get relief. 

6. Arnica: 

  • The medicine Rhus Tox is used for the treatment of typhoid while this disease can be cured by the medicine Arnica too. There is a great resemblance between the two. The qualities of Arnica resemblance to the medicine Rhus Tox and Baptisya but it (Arnica) has own qualities too. The medicine Arnica 3-30 is used in these symptoms as great dejection, negligence of everything, sinking into the lap of sleep while answering, warm head but cold body, pain in the body like bruising and hurting, changing side on the bed to get relief, searching space on the bed for taking rest, evacuation of faeces and urine involuntarily, blue body, hanging down of the below side jaw and the patient does not understand too that he is ill. The medicine Baptisiya can be used on the bases of such symptoms. 

The medicine Arnica can be used if the patient of typhoid suffers from these symptoms as: 

  1. Bruised sore fining (sensation of bruise all over the body) 
  2. Ecchymisis 
  3. Evacuation of urine and stool involuntarily. 
  4. The qualities of Hyosamus can be compared with the medicines Bryonia and Rhus Tox. 

7. Carbo Veg: 

  • The medicine Carbo Veg 30 is used in the last stage of typhoid when the vitality of the patient is about to end and the palpitation of the patient’s nerve is about to lose. Besides these, the patient suffers from excessive fetid excretion from the body and the lower portion of the knees becomes cold. This medicine is considered the restoring medicine in the last stage of typhoid. 

  1. Great prostration and exhaustion
  2. Cold extremities
  3. Cold sweating
  4. Constant desire for air all the time 

8. Arsenic Album: 

  • There is a big resemblance between the properties of Arnica and Arsenic Album. Arsenic Album 3, 30 or 200 can be used if the patient suffers from these symptoms as terrible prostration, irritation, restlessness, unconsciousness because of body weakness, nervousness, excessive delirium, cold perspiration, sores in the mouth, pus in the teeth, blackening of the colour of stool with foul smell, high fever, thirst for small quantity of water and changing side on the bed. The medicine Rhus Tox is used when the patient changes sides on the bed due to pain in the body. 

The medicine Arsenic Album is used in such symptoms of typhoid as 

  1. Aggravation in the symptoms at midnight 
  2. Excessive redness on the tongue 
  3. Terrible prostration 
  4. Excessive restlessness 
  5. Thirst for small quantity of water 

9. Lachesis: 

  • This medicine should not be used in the early stage of typhoid. Lachesis 30 should be used when the disease may aggravate. The symptoms are as excessive delirium, excessive foul smell from the stool, grasping of the tongue between the teeth as it comes out, hanging down of the below side jaw, drowsiness, lack of thirst and excessive trembling in the body. This medicine is used in the rare symptoms of typhoid along with general symptoms. The rare symptoms are as black excretion from the body organs and intestines. The patient is unable to bear any type of touch. 

10. Phosphoric acid: 

  • Phosphoric Acid 1 should be used if the patient suffers from these symptoms as no anxiety about the disease, becoming anxious without worries, excessive drowsiness but he gets consciousness soon and drowsiness ends. 
  • The medicine Phosphoric acid provides a lot of relief if the patient suffers from these symptoms as epistaxis, stomach derangement, wind in the stomach, flatulence, loose motions without pain and pieces of food with stool without digesting. 
  • This medicine should be used in these symptoms as staring continuously and the patient does not like to talk with others. The medicine Stramonium can be used in such symptoms but it should be used if the patient suffers from vomiting and chattering to the other peoples with horrible eyes along with above symptoms. 
  • Phosphorus should be used if the patient suffers from pneumonia as well as typhoid. 

11. Muriatic Acid: 

  • The patient of typhoid becomes so weak that he slips below on the bed and he has no control over himself. Besides these he suffers from loose motions involuntarily as he urinates. Such types of symptoms do not appear in the early stage of typhoid but they appear when the disease aggravates. the use of the medicine named muriatic acid from 1st to 3rd potencies to get rid of disease. 

12. Cali Fros:

  • If the symptoms of the patient of typhoid are as stinking breath, pus in the teeth, small palpitation of the nerve, excessive weakness in the body, the medicine Cali Fros should be used for treating the patient. 

13. Pyrojon

  • If the patient of typhoid does not get relief after taking the medicine Chloromicitin, he should take the medicine Pyrojon. Its use provides a lot of relief. 

14. Tiphoydenum:

  • This medicine has no especial properties but it is good medicine if it is taken as a prophylactic and for the treatment of disease. The disease cannot aggravate if Tiphoydenum 200 is taken in the early stage of typhoid. This medicine is used as a prophylactic. 

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