Kidneys have its own important position (role) in the human body. When water, drunk by us, reaches in the kidneys after cleaning the whole body, it cleans defiled fluid of the kidneys’ blood and removes out with urine from the body. There are two urinary glands in which defiled water is filled. When a person urinates, this defiled fluid comes out with urine about 30 to 40 ounces in a day. In this way, this activity goes on and the body remains clean and healthy. But, when these urinary glands stop functioning due to any reason, the patient’s condition becomes worse and if it is not treated immediately, he can die too. Several types of diseases begin to occur due to obsessed kidneys. So, homoeopathic drugs are used in different diseases of the kidneys.
The drugs used in the condition of accumulation of blood in the urinary bladder:-
1. Belladonna- Sometimes blood become accumulative in the urinary glands due to malfunctioning of the kidneys due to which, these glands are not able to work properly. Due to malfunctioning of the urinary glands, water collected in the urinary bladder does not come out from the body and the patient’s condition becomes worse. In this condition, urine is suppressed or comes out drop-by-drop with blood. Urine is mixed with red or white sediments. Urinary bladder feels pain and burning sensation. The patient’s face becomes red. It is necessary to take treatment in this condition. Therefore, taking Belladonna 30 is very useful in such symptoms.
2. Tarebinthina- Sometimes the urinary glands become swelled due to occurring any new disease in the patient cause’s difficulty while urination. In the case of swelling of the urinary bladder occurring due to such any other disease, the patient feels cramping pain while urination. He feels as if few drops of urine have remained after urination. Symptom like unconsciousness begins to occur in the condition of suppression of urine. Urine goes on filling in the urinary bladder, but due to suppression of urine, the patient feels heaviness in the bladder with fast pain and burning sensation. Odour of medicinal plant comes out from urine. Therefore, the patient suffering from disease related to urinary bladder should take Tarebinthina 1 or 6.
3. Basicarea- Giving 6 to 10 drops of the mother tincture of this drug is beneficial in the condition of feeling burning sensation in the urinary pipe due to malfunctioning of the kidneys; urination again and again; inflammation of urinary bladder; feeling pain while urination; coming pus and mucus in the urine, etc. This is because of accumulating the blood in the urinary glands due to gonorrhea.
4. Solidago- Pain occurs in the urinary bladder due to accumulation of blood in the urinary glands which is multiplied to the stomach gradually. The patient urinates little drop-by-drop with difficulty. Urine is mixed with albumina, blood and mucus. Therefore, taking Solidago 3 or its mother tincture is very effective.
5. Chimophila ambelata- When the prostate glands get swelling, he feels difficulty in urination. In this condition, the patient can urinate only in bending position, because urination is not possible in standing and sitting posture. In this disease, the patient feels as if a ball is blocked in between the reproductive organs and urinary bladder. The patient feels urination, but urine does not come out. Urine is pus like thread. The patient starts urination as few drops only after applying force for it and remaining urine is blocked due to enlargement of the prostate. Therefore, giving Chimophila ambelata 3 or its mother tincture is very useful.
Suppression of urine:-
1. Arsenic- Several types of diseases begin to occur due to malfunctioning of the kidneys. Urine is filled up in the urinary bladder, but he does not feel urination. Sometimes urine is suppressed completely. And if released, it is in little volume with difficulty. He feels burning sensation in the urinary tube while urination and in the colour of beer with the smell of rotten eggs. Sometimes dirty urine and mixed with blood comes, etc. Therefore, the patient should take Arsenic 30 or 200.
Addition to it, patient has several types of other symptoms like- restlessness, much contemplation, patient walks all the time and sits after becoming tired. Patient is not able to bear cold, wrap clothe all the time. He wants to take heat of fire, however he likes heat. He wants to eat hot food and fruits. Disease is aggravated by eating fruits. Therefore, taking Arsenic 30 or 200 is very effective in such symptoms.
Using this drug also provides benefits in the condition of suppression of urine during cholera.
2. Aconite- Urine is suppressed due to malfunctioning of the kidneys. As a result of it, the urinary bladder is filled up with urine but it does not come out. Due to suppression of urine, patient feels spasm and burning sensation on the top of urinary bladder. Sometimes, bloody urine comes out from urinary tube. If the patient feels fast pain while urination, sometimes the symptom of vomiting occurs. As much as the patient drinks water, urine does not come out in that volume, but profuse sweat and loose motions come. If such symptoms present in the patient, taking Aconite 30 is very effective.
3. Cuprum- If the patient has suffered from suppressed urine due to disordering of the kidneys and the symptom of unconsciousness has occurred due to suppressed urine, Cuprum 6 or 30 should be used.
4. Terebinthina- If the urinary bladder becomes swell and urine is suppressed due to accumulation of blood in the urinary glands; black, dusty and bloody urine starts to come out; pain and burning sensation occur in the urinary bladder and multiplied to the urinary pipe; sometimes albumina also comes with burning sensation while urination, etc., Terebinthina should be given to the patient in such symptoms.
Urine does not come out even it is filled in the urinary bladder:-
1. Aconite- Sometimes urine is suppressed due to disordering of the kidneys. So, the patient having such symptom should take Aconite 3. It cures disordering of the kidneys and helps in urination clearly.
2. Apis- Many times, urine stops to come out due to disordering of the kidneys. Albumina level is increased in urine upto 50% causes urination in little volume. Urine is frothy and stinky. Bloody urine comes out again and again with cramping pain in the urinary bladder. Patient feels restlessness around the urinary bladder and fast pain while urination. Sometimes pain occurs in both the glands of the urinary bladder. In this disease, when urinary bladder becomes swell, feels pain like sting, swelling forms on the body. Therefore, patient should use Apis 6 or 30 in such symptoms.
3. Cantharis- If patient has excess desire for urination and however urine does not come; he has to apply force for urination that causes fast cramping pain with scanty urination; both the urinary glands feel pain and burning sensation; sometime when patient has to apply force for urination, little volume of urine mixed with blood comes out drop-by-drop; violent burning sensation occurs in the urinary tube while urination; he is not able to bear coffee and cold water, etc., using Cantharis 30 or 200 is very effective.
4. Lycopodium- The patient feels as if urinary bladder is filled up with urine but urine has not been coming out. The glands present inside the body that are responsible for urination become out of order, due to which, urine does not come out even after applying force for it. The patient has to apply force for urination with the feeling of heaviness in the urinary bladder. Sometimes, the patient holds his stomach while urination so that urine comes out and he feels relief. Pain starts while urination and eliminated after it. Patient feels pain in the kidneys especially in the right kidney. Small red sediments come out with urine with the swelling of the urinary bladder. Therefore, taking Lycopodium 30 or 200 is beneficial for the patient in such symptoms.