Contraction of eye disease

In this disease, the eyelids begin to contract causes more difficulty. 

Treatment by different drugs in the contraction of the eyelids:- 

  1. Argent-nit:- If the eyelids have contracted outwards due to stiffness or they have swollen or pus is coming out from the eyes, using 6 potency of Argent-nit drug provides benefits. 
  2. Nitric-acid:- 6 potency of Nitric-acid drug should be used in the condition of contraction of the eyelids and disease of the eyes occurring due to heat. 
  3. Hamamellis:- If the eyelids are contracting, using 10 drops of Hamamellis drug with water is beneficial. 
  4. Calcarea-carb:- If the eyelids have contracted inwards due to spasm in them, using 6 potency of Calcarea-carb drug is beneficial. 
  5. Borex:- If the eyelids have contracted inwards due to spasm them, using 3 potency of Borex drug is very useful. 
  6. Lycopodium:- 30 potency of Lycopodium is very useful in the condition of contraction of the eyelids with spasm in them. 
  7. Sulphur:- If the eyelids have contracted inwards due to spasm in them, 30 potency of Sulphur drug should be used. 
  8. Mercurius:- If the eyelids have contracted inwards due to spasm in them, 3 potency of Mercurius drug is very useful. 
  9. Nux-vom:- Often, the eyelids begin to contract due to neuralgic weakness or disordering of the stomach. To cure such symptoms, goggles should be bear and Nux-vom should be used. 
  10. Puls:- If the eyelids have contracted due to neuralgic weakness or stomach disorders, Puls drug should be used to cure such symptoms of the patient. 
  11. Lyco:- Often, the eyelids begin to contract due to neuralgic weakness or disordering of the stomach. Lyco drug should be used to cure such symptom. 

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