
Pyemia occurs during pregnancy period. At the time delivery, the internal organs of a woman are operated. This type of operation (changes) takes place by itself during pregnancy period. Sometimes wastes fluid (water) coming from the uterus is stopped. Due to all these reasons, a woman is suffered from septic fever, which is raised up to 105° to 106°, during her pregnancy and then fever comes down below normal by itself. This disease is called ‘Pyemia’ . 


In the case of pyemia, different types of symptoms occur in a woman like- unconsciousness, weakness, sleep without life, becoming the body weak slowly. In this fever, boils start to appear on many organs of the body. These types of boils grow internally but not outward and pus start coming out from them after surgery and then flesh of boils is melted later. 

Disease and drugs used in it:- 

  1. Echinacea (mother tincture)- In the case of blood poisoning (pyemia), using this drug cleans blood. In any symptom occurring due to pyemia, giving 5 to 10 drops of the mother tincture of Echinacea is very beneficial. If septic fever has occurred in woman after delivery and fetid smell comes out from wound, using Echinacea is beneficial. 
  2. Lachesis- If pus has formed in wound after surgery and pyemia has occurred due to infection in the body or entering dirt in the body by wound and smell starts coming from wound after decomposition, using Lachesis 30 is very beneficial. 
  3. Pyrogenium- If the patient has suffered from fever due to producing extra defiled fluid in blood and fever is raised up to 105° to 106° with other symptoms, giving Pyrogenium 30 at an interval of every one hour cures disease. 
  4. Arsenic- If the patient is unknown for many days about forming defiled blood in his body, he starts suffering from low fever, red tongue, restlessness, nervousness, burning in wounds, vomiting and decreasing body strength, etc., using Arsenic 30 is very beneficial. 
  5. China- If the patient is suffering from fever like that of T.B. fever due to forming defiled fluid in his blood, using China 3x is appropriate. 
  6. Rhus-tox- If the patient remains restless due to pyemia in the case of wounds in his joints and gets relief by walking, Rhus-tox 30 should be used. 
  7. Bryonia- In this disease, if disease aggravates by walking or moving and ameliorates by sitting, Bryonia 30 should be taken. 
  8. Merc-sol- If pus has formed with other symptoms due to pyemia, using Merc-sol 30 is beneficial. 

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