Mostly, small children become the victim of this disease. Temperature rises to 102 degree and sometimes more than it. There is convulsion along with this fever so it is called febrile convulsion. Children, who are 3 months or 5 years old, suffer from convulsion in the body along with fever. Such types of symptoms don’t appear due to any disturbance in the ligament. If there is no convulsion or unconsciousness with fever, it should not be considered febrile convulsion. Such types of symptoms disappear soon in children. Mostly children suffer from this stage only once in 24 hours. It is a normal unconsciousness. Tumor in the mind, inflammation in the mind or pressure on the nerve and symptoms of unconsciousness that occurs due to pressure on the nerve; such symptoms should not be considered febrile convulsion.
Mostly, this type of fever occurs because of the infection of virus or bacteria in the breathing system. Flu, inflammation in the anus or ear, mumps and inflammation in tonsils can be the other causes of this disease. There is a big doubt of this disease in those children whose brothers and sisters have become the victim of this disease in past.
Symptoms of this disease are as temperature rises to 102 or sometimes more than it; there is convulsion in the body as this fever comes; first of all contraction occurs in the muscles and afterwards body starts to extend in this disease; a strange type of pain (baynte) occurs continuously from some seconds to 15 minutes; sometimes convulsion occurs in the body again but when attack of convulsion continues more than 14 minutes, it should be considered that the patient’s condition is worse.
What should be done or what not in the condition of febrile convulsion:
- When the child suffers from strange pain (baynte), the child should be kept on such a place that the may not fall and remain far from any injury.
- Child should be kept on a safe place.
- Don’t pull hands and feet of the child to check unconsciousness in the stage of fits.
- Wait for breaking unconsciousness itself.
- A pad should be kept between the teeth of child so that there is no hurt on the tongue.
- Start treatment after consulting to a doctor.
- Forehead should be mopped many times with wet towel and towel should be immersed in water again and again.
- Give medicine to the patient after consulting to a doctor.
- If temperature rises, give bath to the child with cold water.
- If child has been suffering from fit of unconsciousness, consult to doctor soon.
Some essential information:
There is no obstacle in child’s growth in this fever and child grows normally. This fever does not occur because of the irregularity of walking. This disease never becomes the cause of death but sometimes it has been seen that such patient suffers from fits of this disease throughout life. Most of children get free from this disease after 5 years. Sometimes convulsion comes along with fever so it is necessary that when fever comes, it should be controlled.