People believed that Coryza or Catarrh mostly occurs due to exposure to cold in the winter season. Headache, influenza, tuberculosis, paralysis, loose motions, jaundice, infantile cholera, deafness, burning sensation of the breathing tube, pneumonia, asthma, wounds in the throat and nose, discharging pus from the ears, womb secretion, whooping cough, pleurisy, erysipelas, burning sensation in the eyes and the liver, frequent urination, constipation, hoarseness, toothache, etc. occurs due to exposure to cold. 


  • In the condition of coryza or catarrh, the patient becomes lethargic, stretches his limbs whole day, headache, vertigo, eyes become red, hoarseness, etc. 

Use of different drugs in the case of coryza:-

1. Spirit camphor:- If the patient feels little cold, stretching the limbs, discharging water from the nose but he has no fever, thus, giving Spirit camphor is beneficial in such symptoms of the disease. 

2. Aconite:- The patient feels little cold with fever, yawning all the time, burning sensation in the eyes, discharging water from the eyes, patient sneezes again and again, the head feels heavy, feels fast thirst, suffering from coryza due to exposure to cold in the winter season, etc. thus, taking Aconite 3x is very useful. 

3. Bryonia:- Burning sensation of the mucus membrane of the breathing tube, dry cough which creates much trouble for the patient, due to phlegm, the nose is blocked; water goes on discharging from the patient's eyes; malfunctioning of the digestive systems, chest pain like needle prick, cough becomes fast due to coming in a hot room after living in the open air. The patient feels nauseate with vomiting. Thus, giving Bryonia 6, 30 or 3x is very useful in such symptoms of the disease. 

4. Nux-vomica:- One opening of the nose is closed (blocked) at night, but both opening of the nose remain open in the day. In day time, patient feels cough with phlegm, but at night, cough is only dry. The nose of the child is closed (blocked). When the patient lives in the open air, feels better while as soon as he enters in to the room, his symptoms start to appear. Thus, giving Nux-vomica 3 is very effective in such symptoms of disease. 

5. Gelsemium:- Fever occurs after feeling of cold. The forehead gets hotness before fever, the patient feels violent thirst, the head gets heaviness, the face becomes red, tear is filled in the eyes. The patient feels burning sensation in the eyes due to cold. Pulse rate becomes very slow. The throat feels pain. The patient suffers from coryza due to exposure to cold in the summer days, etc. thus, Gelsemium 3x should be taken in such symptoms of the patient. 

6. Arsenic:- Thin and hot secretion discharges from the nose in large volume which creates burning sensation. The patient sneezes whole the day. He feels sleepy all the time, lethargic. Diseases occurring in the nose, eyes and larynx, etc. thus, giving Arsenic 6 or 3x is very useful in such symptoms of the diseases. 

7. Pulsatilla:- The patient's nose discharges foul secretion all the time, intensive pain near the ears and the forehead, the head feels heavy, the nose is not able to identify the fragrance or smell of anything, disease is aggravated in a hot room and in the evening. Thus, giving Pulsatilla 3, 6 and 30 is very useful in such symptoms of the patient. 

8. Mercurius:- Due to wounds in the throat and the nose, pain occurs in them; the patient feels sneezing again and again; discharging thick yellow secretion like pus from the nose; the patient feels cold and then feels hot; burning sensation in the eyes; swelling of the glands of the throat or throat; profuse sweating, etc. thus, taking Mercurius 6 is very useful in such symptoms of the patient. 

9. Allium-cepa:- Water discharges from the eyes; sneezes come loudly againg and again; lots of secretion discharges from the nose which creates burning in it; cough which causes insensitiveness; disease remains better in the open air, etc. thus, Allium-cepa 6 or 2x should be given in such symptoms of the ptient. 

10. Ipecac:- With sneezing, secretion comes in large volume, nauseate with vomiting, throat produces a whirring sound due to cold, etc. Thus, giving Ipecac 6 or 3x should be given in such symptoms of the patient. 

11. Arum triphyllum:- Uncovering the skin of any part of the body due to exposure to cold, any type of wounds occurring in the throat, etc. thus, using Arum triphyllum 6 is very effective. 

12. Ammon-carb:- Cough of the patient becomes too fast in the last pahar (duration of time equal to 3 hours) of the night, the nose of the small children is blocked while sleeping at night causes difficulty in breathing. Thus, giving Ammon-carb 3 is very useful in such symptoms of the disease. 

13. Merc-core:- The patient is suffering from much sneezing, discharging thin yellow smelly secretion like lemon juice from the nose which generates burning sensation and wounds, wounds are also generated in the throat, etc. thus, Merc-cor 30 or 200 should be given to the patient in such symptoms of the disease.

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