◆ Cold shivering as if blood were ice – Abies Can, Aconite
◆ After operation upon chest, a pressing sensation remains – Abrotanum
◆ Stomach feels as swimming in water – Abrotanum
◆ injurious effects of fruits esp. more watery ones – Ars
◆ Reduces the refractive index of blood serum – Ars,China, Ferr phos
◆ Gives quiet & ease to the last moments of life when given in high potency – Ars
◆ Corresponds to the symptoms of air sickness in Aviators. –Bell
◆ It is a princely remedy for old labourers, esp. gardeners – Bellis
◆ Rachitic enlargement of femur in infants – Calc flour
◆ As a heart stimulant for emergency use, the most satisfactory remedy – Camphor
◆ Dislocation of patella on going upstairs. – Cannabis sativa
◆ Hearing confused, cannot tell the direction of sound – Carbo anim
◆ Indicated in persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous ill-ness – Carbo veg
◆ white mucus in stool like small pieces of popped corn – Cina
◆ In fever, face is cold & hands warm – Cina
◆ Post operative gas pains, no > passing it –
◆ Snoring esp. in children. – Cinchona
◆ Vesicular eruption, itches terribly, worse washing in cold water – Clematis
◆ Cough from excessive use of voice, minister’s sore throat. – Collinsonia
◆ The slightest abrasion or ulceration will cause the intense photophobia – Conium
◆ Diarrhoea after every cup of coffee – Cyclamen
◆ Throbbing pain at the neck of bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back & forth – Digitalis
◆ Headache > by conversation – Dulcamara
◆ During fever want to be held, because he shakes so – Gelsemium
◆ Goitre of puberty & pregnancy – Hydrastis
◆ Backache, must use arms in raising
himself from seat – Hydrastis
◆ Wedge like pain from ovary to uterus – Iodum
◆ Dyspnoea, suffocation compels the patient to spring from bed & rush for open window – Lach
◆ Acts esp. well at the beginning & close of menstruation – Lach
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◆ Angina pectoris with pain in right arm – Lil tig
◆ Cannot read what he writes – Lyc
◆ Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth – Mag carb
◆ Albuminuria in early pregnancy – Merc cor
◆ Albuminuria in late & full term – Phos
◆ Albuminuria in whole pregnancy – Helonias
◆ Yellow substance like pulp of orange in stool – Natrum carb
◆ Infallible for stopping a cold commencing with sneezing – Natrum mur
◆ Vesicles & burning on tongue, as if there is a hair on it. – Natrum mur, Sil
◆ Feels that death is near & must hurry to settle affairs – Petroleum
◆ Hearing difficult esp. human voice – Phos
◆ Bad effects of eating too much of salt – Phos
◆ Nervous cough provoked by strong odours – Phos
◆ Constipation of travelers who are constantly changing food & water – Platina
◆ All the symptoms of acute nephritis with amaurosis & cerebral symptoms – Plummet
◆ Fear of being assassinated – Plum met
◆ Great loquacity during fever – Podo
◆ Very hungry always must have something to eat in the middle of night – Psorinum
◆ Often indicated after abuse of iron tonics – Puls
◆ Aversion to sweets & ice-cream – Radium brom
◆ Complaints from straining flexor tendons – Ruta
◆ Prolapus ani every time the bowel move – Ruta
◆ Sudden stopping of catarrhal of respiratory tract following diarrhea – Sang
◆ Sleep prevented by pulsation in all vessels – Selenium
◆ Rheumatism in hot season – Rhododendron
◆ Patient will not improve while using coffee – Psorinum
◆ Rotten egg taste when coughing, whopping cough that drags on – Sepia
◆ Fixed ideas, thinks only of pins, fears them, searches & counts them – Silicea
◆ Child refers to the navel as the most painful part – Spigelia, Granatum, Nux mosch
◆ Very sensitive as to what others say about her – Staphy
◆ Very selfish, no regards of others – Sulphur
◆ Talks, jerks & twitches during sleep, cat naps, slightest noise awakens – Sulphur
◆ Excessive flow of saliva, it runs out of mouth while sleeping – Syphilinum
◆ Asthma in children – Thuja, Natrum sulph
◆ Fear of dogs, animals esp – Tuberculinum
◆ To fatten patients after tuberculosis – Hydrastis
◆ Neuralgia in brachial plexus, arms feels swollen – Vertrum alb
◆ Will raise the opsonic index against diplococcus pneumonia – Vertrum ver
◆ Dull aching about the last dorsal or 1st lumbar vertebra, worse sitting – Zinc met
◆ Can be used effectively in gastric & duodenal ulcers & stimulates the growth of epithelium on ulcerated surface – Symphytum
◆ Tea tasters cough – Kali iod
◆ Sleeps with legs far apart – Platina