Arsenic is a metal which is as such nonpoisonous. But on exposure to air if gets oxidized to form trioxide of Arsenic or Arsenious acid or Arsenious Oxide which is highly poisonous substance
Important compounds are:
1. Arsenious oxide / Arsenic tri-oxide / white arsenic
2 Arsenic trichloride
1, White arsenic is used in calico printing
2 Used as rat killer
Medico-legal Importance
1 Homicide 2 Suicidal 3 Accidental
Fatal Dose: 120-200 mg
Fatal Period: 12-48 hours
Signs and Symptoms:
Acute arsenic poisoning-
A. Fulminating symptoms
Patient dies without any sign of GI symptoms but presents with giddines. muscular pain formication, delirium and precordial distress
B. Gastrointestinal symptoms
● Burning pain and garlick taste in mouth
● Increased salivation intense thirst with nausea and severe vormiting
● Urine is suppressed. This leads to anuria and urine may contain albumin and RBC cast
Signs of shock:
Low BP, cold clammy skin, sunken eyes, hollow cheeks and labored respiration Hypoxic convulsians leading to coma and death.
I stage of nutnitional and gastrointestinal disturbances
II Stage of catarrhal changes
III Stage is af skin rashes
IV Stage of Neurological disturbances
b. Treatment
● Stomach wash with plain water and with draught of warm milk and water
● Intramuscular injection of dimercaprol (BAL)
c. Post-mortem findings
◆Rigor mortis appears early and stays for longer because period of low ATP level. ◆Features of dehydration like dulleyes. sallow cheeks.
◆Shrunken skin and boat shaped or flat abdomen
d. Internal appearance
Congestion of mucosa Fatty degeneratice changes in liver, kidney and spleen