Dandruff and its homoeopathic therapeutics

When a white colour dry layer appears on the head of a person, it is called ‘Dandruff’. Well, dandruff does not affect a person’s health directly but excessive dandruff in the head becomes the cause of shame if a person goes in any function or marriage. Person’s head looks white because of dandruff and it is the cause of shame. 


If old persons of the family suffer from dandruff, new generation of the family becomes the victim of dandruff too. For example, if grand father-mother or father-mother have dandruff, it is probably essential that their children can become the victims of dandruff. Besides it, there are also other causes of dandruff origin as excessive sweating in the head, by doing hard physical or mental work, washing the head with cheap soaps, skin diseases in the head and psoriasis. 


The symptoms of dandruff in the head are as white layer in the head and excessive itching in the head. 

Use of different medicines for clearing dandruff: 

1. Saniquila: Saniquila 30 provides relief in such symptoms as excessive itching in the head and sweating in the rear of the neck. 

2. Phosphorus: If the symptoms like- excessive falling of hairs with dandruff and becoming the head’s skin as hard, etc., the use of Phosphorus 30 provides much relief. 

3. Thuja: The patient should take Thuja 30 if he suffers from these symptoms as excessive dryness in the head, whitening the head due to dandruff and white thick layers in the head in the form of dandruff.

 4. Sepia: If the patient suffers from such symptoms as hair falling with dandruff on different areas of the head like ringworms, weakening the hair root because of which hairs break only by the touch with the hand and sensation of severe pain in the head if it is rubbed, etc., he should take Sepia 200. Its use provides a lot of relief. 

5. Psorinum: The patient suffers from such symptoms as offensive dandruff in the head, dry hairs, appearing small purulent pimples in the head. Hairs are stuck together and look like a bunch as pus secrets from hair. The patient should take Psorinum 200 if he suffers from such symptoms. Dandruff reduces soon by taking this medicine. 

6. Flouric acid: If the patient suffers from these symptoms as excessive dandruff in the head which falls on the clothes, hairs falling because of dandruff and sensitive skin of the head, etc., he should take Flouric acid 6. Its use proves very beneficial in such symptoms. 

7. Mezereum: In such symptoms as appearing purulent big waste fibrous (chhichhras) in the head that affects badly to the skin of the head, excessive itching in the head, dandruff in the head and hairs falling, etc., the patient should take Mezereum 6-30 for getting relief. 

8. Sulphur: Sulphur 30 provides relief to the patient if he suffers from these symptoms as dryness in the head, hairs falling and excessive itching in the head. 

9. Natrum Muriaticum: If the patient suffers from these symptoms as dryness in the head, catarrh and becoming unable in differentiating the smell through nose, etc., the use of Natrum muriaticum proves very beneficial. Such symptoms appear alternatively. 

10. Arsenic-

If a person has been suffering from dandruff in his head, taking Arsenic 3 at an interval of every 6-6 hours is beneficial.

Using Arsenic 3x or 30 is very effective in the condition of dandruff in any part of the body. If Arsenic makes no impression then Graphitis 6 or Lyco 12 or Sepia 30 or Radium brom can be used. Any drugs among these should be taken once in a week. 

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