Lower portion of the large intestine is rectum and the lowest portion of rectum is called anus. When rectum comes out from the anus, it is called prolapsus ani. Generally, the length of prolapsus ani is one and half inches. If prolapsus ani comes out from the anus along with complete mucous substance, it is called prolapsus recti.
Itching in the rectum, piles, worms in the stomach, accumulation of stool into the stomach, habit of opium, disturbed stomach, flatulence, constipation and pressure for evacuation are the causes of prolapsus ani. Sometimes, stone in the bladder and constipation can be the causes of prolapsus ani. A child becomes the victim of this disease if he has been suffering from blood loose motion due to disturbed stomach.
Treatment with different medicines:
- Ferrum phos:
If a child has been suffering from prolapsus ani, the medicine named Ferrum Phos 6 X should be given to the child at the regular interval of 5 hours.
- Aelu:
Contraction power of the anus disappears because of propapsus ani. The muscle that contracts to the anus becomes cool and this is the reason that this disease takes birth. Not only anus but stool also comes out. He feels no sensation of discharging of foul smell from the posterior opening. The patient feels no sensation of wind when it comes out from the anus. If the patient has such types of symptoms, he should take the medicine named Aelu-3 to get relief.
If warts of piles are hanging like bunches of grapes because of piles, the use of the medicine named aelu should be taken to get relief.
If blood comes out with loose motions and spasm along with proplapsus ani, the use of the medicine named Aelu can cure this disease.
If the patient of this disease suffers from dilute loose motions with blood and desire to evacuation after awakening and after having meal, he should take the medicine Aelu 3 X or mother tincture.
- Ignatia:
A person has to give pressure for evacuation if he has been suffering from prolapsus ani. Stool does not come out from the anus even after giving excessive pressure. If stool is dilute, the pain increases in anus. Generally, pain should be reduced because of dilute loose motions but it does not happen. The child feels a pressure in the anus as if anus is being pushed out by a device. If he has such symptoms, the use of the medicine named Ignatia-200 proves very beneficial.
- Podophylum:
The patient suffers from prolapsus ani before and after evacuation of stool. The patient evacuates stool with jerking and in the form of sprinkles during evacuation of stool. Loose motions continue for many days in the morning but there is no pain. Thus, the medicine named Podophylum-6 is used for the treatment.
The medicine Podophylum affects mostly to the duodenum, anus, uterus and small intestine. If the patient has been suffering from dilute loose motions or greasy substance with motions and excessive loose motions, the use of the medicine Podophylum proves very beneficial.
If the patient has been suffering from dilute stinking loose motions and prolapsus ani after evacuation of stool and prolapsus ani during dentition, the use of the medicine named Podophylum 6 is beneficial.
- Muriatic acid:
If prolapsus ani comes out along with stool while urinating, the patient should take Muriatic Acid-3 to get relief. Its use proves very useful.
- Ruta:
Prolapsus ani comes out because of a little pressure given while evacuation of stool. The patient suffers from lots of trouble and stool comes out by giving pressure. If such symptoms appear in the patient, he should take Ruta-6. This medicine proves very beneficial.
If prolapus ani comes out during evacuation in women after delivery, they should take Ruta-6 for the treatment. Its use proves very beneficial.
- Nux vomica
- Merc vibus:
If the patient has been suffering from such kind of symptoms as itching in the anus along with prolapsus ani, yellow phlegm, diarrhoea, hard stomach and flatulence, the use of the medicine named Merc-Vibus-3 provides a lot of relief.
- Lyco
If the patient has been suffering from prolapsus ani, he should take Lyco 6 or 30 to get relief. Besides, the medicine named Sulphur-30 is useful for the treatment too.
- Gambogia:
If the patient of prolapsus ani shows such kinds of symptoms as dilute loose motions, yellow or green loose motions, pain in the anus along with inflammation and hard stool when stool comes out rapidly, the use of the medicine named Gambogia proves very beneficial.
- Ferrum phos:
If a child has been suffering from prolapsus ani, the use of the medicine named Ferrum Phos proves beneficial.
- Phosphorus:
If a child has been suffering form this disease, the use of the medicine phosphorus proves beneficial.
In this disease mother tincture of acid Mur, Arnica and the medicines as Ratanhya, Ars, Bryo, Calc, Sipia or Isculus can be used for the treatment. Besides, medicines Sefalendra and Indica are also beneficial for the treatment of prolapsus ani.
Other treatments:
- The patient should not give excessive pressure for evacuation.
- A child should evacuate stool by standing and without giving pressure.
- Give nutritive and easily digestible food to eat to the patient.
- If intestine has come out from the anus, replace it by washing it with cold water.
- After replacing the prolapsus ani, tie a cork of cloth by a bandage at the mouth of the anus.
- Mix three parts juice of Telcucha and one part surasar altogether and give to the patient to eat occasionally. Its use provides a lot of relief to the victim.