When food does not digest properly, it is called 'Dyspepsia'.

There can be several reasons of dyspepsia:-

  • Over eating or eating in hurry.
  • Taking liquor, tobacco, fatty food, tea, coffee and smoking in enough quantity.
  • Taking anti-biotic for a long time.
  • Taking oily things in enough quantity.
  • Swallowing food without chewing it well.
  • Doing much physical or mental works or do not work.
  • Exposure to cold air.
  • Taking additional sour things like- pickles and other sour things.
  • Much pressure of the clothes on the waist.
  • Lack of blood in the body.
  • Living in depression all the time and do not interested in any work.
  • Nervous diseases, skin diseases, gastric, stomach diseases, liver diseases or acidity, etc.


There are several symptoms are found in the dyspepsia patient like- feeling heaviness on the stomach, full stomach, feeling burning sensation from the stomach to the throat, coming sour belches, coming smell from the mouth, pungent taste, the tongue is dusty, etc. symptoms are aggravated after 2-3 hours of taking his food. Patient feels pungent when he takes breath; air goes on filling in the stomach; he has also suffered from constipation; coming digested food particles with stool; pressure is fallen on the chest and starts palpitation irregularly due to air in the stomach; the patient suffering from this disease becomes irritable temperament, becomes angry easily, headache with vertigo, etc. pain starts in the upper section of the stomach or on the left side of it that is mostly aggravated. Sometimes, he also feels vomiting, lack of appetite and sometimes, constipation with dysentery.

Treatment with different drugs according to the symptoms:-

Acute dyspepsia:-

  • Taking different drugs like- Ars, Nux-vomica or Bryo, etc. are very useful to cure it.
  • If the patient suffering from acute dyspepsia is feeling many troubles at night, Bismuth should be used for its treatment.
  • If acute dyspepsia patient is suffering from vomiting or watery loose motions with headache, use Iris to cure it.
  • If dyspepsia is acute and due to taking sour fruits, Colocynth can be useful for its treatment.

Chronic dyspepsia:-

  • If dyspepsia becomes chronic, different drugs like- Ars, Bryo, Puls, Calca-carb, Sulph, Carbo-veg, Nux-vomica, Antim-crude, Hepar-sulphur, Arnica or Kali-bi, etc. should be used.
  • If dyspepsia becomes chronic and due to taking additional teat, Thuja should be used for its treatment. 

Dyspepsia due to getting cold:-

  • If dyspepsia occurs due to getting cold, Dulca-merc or Acon is very useful.

Dyspepsia due to mental problems:-

  • If a person has suffered from dyspepsia due to mental problems, Nux-vomica should be used to cure such patient.
  • If dyspepsia has occurred due to working load, anxiety or awaking at night, etc., use Ignatia to cure such patient.
  • If this disease has occurred due to shock and sorrow, Ignatia is also very useful for its treatment.

Dyspepsia due to weakness in the body:-

  • If dyspepsia has occurred due to lack of blood in the body that causes weakness, Ferrum, Acid-phos or China should be used to cure this disease.
  • If weakness occurs in the body due to watery loose motions and he has suffered from dyspepsia, using China, Ferrum or Acid-phos is very useful.
Watery mouth in the condition of dyspepsia:-
  • If such type of symptom is found in the patient, using different drugs like- Bryo 6, powder of Carbo-veg 3x, Lycopodium 30 or Nux-vomica 30, etc. are beneficial.

Lack of appetite with dyspepsia:-

If this type of patient is feeling little hunger, Ferrum, China or Calca-carb, etc. should be used to cure this disease.

Over hunger with dyspepsia:-

For the treatment of such condition, Cina or China is very useful.


  • If dyspepsia patient is feeling flatulence due to constipation with dyspepsia, Lyco is very useful to cure such patient.
  • If the patient feels stomachache with flatulence, use Carbo-veg for its treatment.

Burning sensation in the chest:-

If dyspepsia patient feels burning sensation in his chest, different drugs like- Capsicum 6, Nux-vomica 30, Calce-carb 6 or Pulsatilla 6, etc. can be used.

Stinky belches:-

If dyspepsia patient is suffering from stinky belches, using Sulphur 30 or Carbo-veg is beneficial for its treatment.


  • If dyspepsia has occurred due to acidity, using Calce-carb 6 to 30, Rheum 30, Acid-sulph 2x to 30, Phosphoria 3, powder of Natrum-phos 2x to 12x or Robinia, etc. are very effective.
  • To cure this disease, 5 to 10 drops of the mother tincture of Carica or Pepya should be taken.


  • If dyspepsia patient is suffering from acidity with hiccup, using Acid-sulph is beneficial.
  • If symptoms of hiccup are found in dyspepsia patient, Caulophyllum, Arsenic or Gelsemium is beneficial.
  • Dreaming about over weight (pressure) on the chest:-
  • If dyspepsia patient has been dreaming about over weight on the chest due to taking intoxicating materials, using Nux-vomica 1x to 30 is appropriate.
  • If dyspepsia patient feels over pressure on his chest in dreams, use China for its treatment.
  • If the chest is palpitating in dream, using Sulph is very useful.

Dyspepsia due to food poisoning:-

  • If dyspepsia has occurred due to taking food stuffs like- fatty food, eatables cooked on a low flame, cold watery things or oily food stuffs like- puffed bread, mixed rice, pulao or kachauri, etc., Pulsatilla 6 should be used.If dyspepsia has occurred due to eating rotten (decayed) fish or meat or butter, using Carbo-veg 6 is beneficial.
  • Arsenic 6 should be used in the case of dyspepsia due to eating ice-cream, drinking ice water or only water in large quantity.
  • If dyspepsia has occurred due to taking cooked vegetables, using Sepia 6 is very useful.
  • If dyspepsia has occurred due to taking additional salt in his food, using Natrum-mur 30 or Phosphorus 6 is very effective.
  • If polluted water or food or water melon, etc. are responsible for dyspepsia, using Zingiber 3x or 6 is beneficial.
  • If a person has suffered from dyspepsia due to eating additional fruits, taking Arsenic 6 or China 3 is very useful.

Dyspepsia due to taking stimulant:-

  • Nux-vomica 3x or 30 is very useful in the treatment of dyspepsia due to taking tea, coffee, liquor or opium, etc.

Dyspepsia due to taking milk or milk products:-

If dyspepsia has occurred due to taking milk or milk products with the feeling of pain like cutting inside his stomach, Aethusa 6 is beneficial.

Dyspepsia due to taking sour or acidic substance-

If dyspepsia occurs due to taking sour or acidic substances, using Antim-crude 6 is very beneficial.

Treatment of dyspepsia with different drugs:-

  1. Nux-vomica, Carbo-veg, Pepsinum- If this disease has occurred due to lack of digestive juice or weakness of the digestive muscles, drugs like- Nux-vomica 1x + Carbo veg 1x + Pepsinum 1x should be used.
  2. Phosphorus-  With chronic dyspepsia, if symptoms like- sour belches, sour vomiting, fast hunger, flatulence, dirty tongue, burning in the stomach, ameliorating symptoms of disease by drinking water, but vomiting of this water after sometime, etc. are found in the patient, Phosphorus 30 is used to cure such symptoms of the patient.
  3. Homarus-To cure dyspepsia, using Homarus 3x or 6 is very beneficial.
  4. Natrum-phos- With acidity, if sour belches or vomiting come, Natrum-phos 3x or 12x (powder) should be used.
  5. Nux-vomica- The patient feels heaviness of his stomach after 1 or 2 hours of eating food, feels as if stone has entered inside the stomach, unable to do mental work after 2-3 hours of eating food, excess worry ness, headache, etc., Nux-vomica 30 is very useful. If dyspepsia has occurred due to weakness of digestion power caused by over eating, taking additional liquor, polluted or stale food, taking allopathic medicines excessively, lethargy, etc., using Nux-vomica is very beneficial.
  6. Pulsatilla- If this disease has occurred due to taking eatables cooked with ghee, use Pulsatilla 3x or 30. If dyspepsia has occurred due to eating fruits, ice-creams, etc., Pulsatilla is very beneficial to cure it. Soft natured women or those have suffered from dyspepsia due to disordering of menses, this drug is very beneficial.
  7. Natrum-Mur- If dyspepsia has occurred due to taking potatoes, fine flour, etc., Natrum-mur 12x (powder) or 30 should be used. If the dyspepsia patient has following symptoms like- pungent of mouth taste, coming water from the mouth, feeling pain in the chest, feeling cold, palpitation in the chest after eating food, lack of blood in the body, complaints of constipation, excess desire of eating salt, etc. Natrum-mur can be used to cure disordering generated by involving in sexual intercourse excessively.
  8. Carbo-veg- This drug is very useful in the case of feeling pressure on the upper section of the stomach due to forming gas in the stomach. Carbo-veg 3x (powder) should be used in the cases of coming out of air from the mouth with belches, flatulence, burning sensation in the chest, watery loose motions, heavy head, excessive weakness, chronic dyspepsia or dyspepsia of an old, etc.
  9. China- If the patient suffering from flatulence and dyspepsia has following symptoms like- filling of air in the upper, middle or lower section of the stomach, does not feel relief from even after coming belches or persisting of flatulence, lack of desire even little to eat but feels hunger just after start eating, desire for eating sour or fruits, drinking cold water again and again in little volume, obsessed stomach by drinking milk, indigestion of fruits, filling air inside the stomach, etc., using China 30 is very beneficial. If dyspepsia has occurred due to taking liquor till several days, swelling of any body part, burning of the liver or due to malaria, etc., taking China 3x or 200 is very useful. 
  10. Lycopodium- With indigestion, if the patient has following symptoms like- constipation, gastric, etc. with lack of hunger, Lycopodium should be used. If this disease has occurred in weak patient and he has following symptoms like- coming out air from the anus, flatulence due to accumulation of air inside the stomach, complaints of constipation, roaring in the stomach, coming sour belches or trembling of the left sided intestine, indigestion due to much weakness or study, indigestion due to lack of strength in the muscles or lack of saliva, etc., using Lycopodium 3, 6 or 200 is very effective for the treatment of such symptoms.
  11. Merc-sol- To cure indigestion occurred due to taking tea till several days, Merc-sol 3x (powder) should be used. For this purpose, Actaea Racemosa 6 can be used.
  12. Hydrastis- To cure symptoms like- feeling heaviness on the digestive organs, constipation, headache, difficulty in breathing (inhaling) while coming sour belches, heart palpitation, etc., Hydrastis 1x or 30 should be used.
  13. Sepia- In the case of chronic indigestion that has occurred due to defects especially in the uterus, heaviness in the anus, pungent or sour taste of the mouth, desires for eating sour things, pickles, body appears dirty or yellow, etc., Sepia 6 should be taken.
  14. Plumbum-For the treatment of indigestion due to getting cold, feeling heaviness in the stomach, unable to eat solid (hard) things, stomachache and constipation, etc., Plumbum 6 or 200 should used.
  15. Antim-crude- With indigestion, thickening of white filth like milk on the tongue and many types of other symptoms are also found like- indigestion and offensive belches in the patient. Thus, using Antim-crude 3 or 6 is very beneficial to cure such symptoms. If the patient has symptoms related with stomach disordering like- loose motions, constipation in hot climate, etc. due to eating fatty food, pudding, paranthe, sweets things, sour especially vinegar, etc., Antim-crude is very useful to cure such patient. 
  16. Thuja- If this disease has occurred due to taking additional tea with following symptoms like- pain in the stomach after eating, lack of hunger, gas in the stomach, pain in the upper section of the stomach, feeling thirst, desires for eating potatoes, meat and onion, etc., using Thuja 6 or 30 is very beneficial to cure such symptoms of the patient.
  17. Hydrastis-  If the dyspepsia patient has following symptoms like- looking the face dirty, yellow sticky tongue, parallel of the chest and stomach and seems as if both are attached to each other, etc., giving Hydrastis 3x is very beneficial.
  18. Argentums Nitricum- If the patient has following symptoms like- occurring many diseases related to the stomach due to eating sweet things additionally, improper digestion of food, greenish loose motions, coming sour belches, gas in the stomach, etc., taking Argentum Nitricum 30 is very beneficial. Pain starts in the stomach and is moved all around; this type of pain starts slowly and is cured slowly. Mostly, this type of pain occurs due to taking cold things like ice-cream. If such symptoms are found, Argentums Nitricum should be used.
  19. Abies Nigra- To cure symptoms like- pain in the duodenum just after eating, indigestion of an old or a constipation patient, using Abies Nigra 3x is appropriate.
  20. Arsenic- Arsenic 3x or 6 should be used in the cases of intensive pain in the duodenum, getting relief by drinking warm water or indigestion occurred due to eating ice.
  21. Bryonia- If the patient is suffering from heaviness in the digestive organs after meals and seems as if stone has kept on that place, constipation, stools is dry, solid and burnt, vertigo, feeling heavy heady, scratching pain in the duodenum, pungent taste of the mouth and bilious vomiting or nauseate, flatulence in summer days with pain, irritable or angry temperament of the patient, etc., using Bryonia 6 is very beneficial.
  22. Nux-Moschata- Pain in the stomach after taking meals, cramps in the stomach, burning in it, feeling stomach as hot and as if gas has filled in it, difficulty in breathing, etc. symptoms are found in the patient. Thus, to cure such symptoms of the patient, Nux-Moschata 2x or 6 is very beneficial. This drug can be also used for the treatment of indigestion of an old.
  23. Hepar-sulphur- If following symptoms are found in the case of chronic indigestion like- nothing digests properly, desires for eating sour things or pickles, etc., Hepar-sulphur 6 or 12 should be used to cure such symptoms. If indigestion has occurred due to using mercury, this drug is also beneficial.

Other treatment of indigestion with the use of different drugs:-

  • To cure this disease, it is necessary to follow diet related rules besides the use of drugs.
  • Make a time-table chart for eating and follow it strictly and take bath daily.
  • Chew the food properly while eating.
  • We should not take meals before and after doing physical and mental works.
  • Do not take heavy eatables like- red chilly, black pepper or too hot spices, oil and ghee, etc.
  • We should avoid sleeping in the day, over sexual intercourse, awaking at night, over eating at night.
  • Eat as much as huger. Never eat more than hunger, because it causes indigestion much.
  • Eating betel juice with lemon juice removes lack of appetite (anorexia).
  • Boiled rice, whey or pomegranate juice is very useful.
  • Taking pomegranate, papaya, apple, grapes, etc. starts curing indigestion soon.
  • Water of raw coconut or soft pulp of coconut is very useful to cure this disease.
  • Giving old boiled rice or beaten rice with curd or whey after soaking in water is very beneficial.
  • Taking raw papaya, milk and curd is very beneficial to cure indigestion.
  • Do not take liquor, tobacco and other intoxicating materials.
  • Do not take tea, coffee and other hot beverages additionally.
  • Do not drink additional water while eating.
  • Do not use Bi-carbonate, soda or lime water or soda water additionally to cure indigestion.
  • Do not take ice, ice-cream. It can be harmful.
  • After eating, playing like children helps eaten food to digest easily.
  • Never eat polluted or stale food, because this disease occurs mostly due to eating such food.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water well after toilet and before eating.Eat many times in little instead of eating over at once.
  • Eat many times in little instead of eating over at once.
  • Do not eat fatty food additionally.
  • Taking light diet like- rice, pulse, etc. is very beneficial.
  • Avoid mental tension, anxiety, anger and quarreling.
  • Yoga and Dhyanas are very beneficial to remove mental tension. So, practice these activities is beneficial.
  • Never do smoking, because it is very harmful.

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