Blisters appearing on the skin are a type of disease in which burning sensation, itching sensation and secretion are common. There are two types of blisters that appear on the skin- herpes and herpes zoster. Herpes appear on the skin in groups with watery secretion, scabs are formed on such blisters and then disappeared without leaving it marks. After falling off blisters, fast itching burning sensation starts on that place. Due to fast burning sensation, the patient becomes vex and restless.
Disease and drugs used in it:-
- Magnasinella:- If small pimples appear on the skin from which, sticky secretion starts to come out and formed into scabs later, Magnasinella 6 or 30 should be taken. This drug is also used in the condition of blister appearing due to hot water or steam.
- Arsenic:- If granular blisters have appeared on the mouth, lips or on any other organs with fast itching and burning sensation and if the symptoms of disease are aggravated between 12 o'clock to 4 o'clock, Arsenic 30 should be taken. This drug is known to be very useful in burning and itching sensation. If blisters on the skin become chronic, using Arsenic 30 is very effective. If burning sensation with decomposition start in the blister appearing on the skin, using this drug is very useful.
- Merc-sol:- If blisters that appear on the reproductive organs and have itching and burning sensation, Merc-sol 30 is used. In such blisters, Nitric-acid 3, Sarsaparilla 6, Natrum-mur 30, etc. can be also used.
- Ranunculus:- If blisters have cured and then fast itching starts on that place, these types of blisters are blue in color and aggravated in an open and moist air and by any movement, Ranunculus 3 to 30 can be used.
- Caltha:- If round circle is formed around blisters with itching especially on the face due to which, swelling comes around the eyes, the mother tincture of Caltha should be taken.
- Merc-cor:- If blisters have appeared due to syphilis, Merc-cor 30 should be taken.