Backache may be due to various causes such as strain, structural issues, underlying organ pathology and injury.


Colocynthis: Pain in the ,back and small of the back which finally settles down on the upper part of the thigh and buttock Pain confines to a small spot making the patient limp and finally becomes so severe that he can neither stand nor walk. Severe burning along sacrum.

Rhus Tox: When pain is relieved by walking and is worse at rest or on first movement. It is also worse at night. Sacroiliac pain. 

Antim Tart: Backache as from fatigue; excruciating pain in lower part of the back. Slightest effort to move causes retching, cold and clammy perspiration. Sensation of weight hanging downwards.

Ammonia Carb: Pain in the lumbar region, affecting both the kidneys, with chill and fever.

Actea Racemosa: Muscular pain with restlessness and sleeplessness. Patient is nervous, melancholy and restless.

Bryonia: When the pain is worse on every motion and better by lying down and at rest, with bruised feeling in back; wants pressure or something hard under the back. Worsens at nine or three O'clock.

Berberis Vul: Lumbago accompanied with urinary troubles, Dulcamara. When due to living in damp basements or when due to great variation in temperature within a period of 24 hours.

Kali Carb: Backward in the lower part of the back; back broken into two; pain goes down the back of the legs. The patient is whimsical, difficult, fussy, chilly and ticklish.

Medorrhinum : Lumbago; "lame-back" lumbo-sacral pain which often extends to the lower extremities. Drawing in nape and back. Pain across the back. Intercurrent remedy.

Aloe: Lumbago alternating with headache.

Natrum Mur: Backache when the patient wants pressure on the part paining. He. wants to put a book behind him in the chair, a hard thing under him in the bed. The patient goes around sitting in a chair with his hands on the back.

Alumina: Pain in the back as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae.

Nux Vomica: Backache of big muscles, all up and down the bed. The pain is due to chill with morning aggravation. Better from heat.

Aesculus H: Backache due to straining sacro-iliac by hard labour or hard work. The pain is relieved by· standing.

Calcarea Phos: It should be thought of for pain in the nape of neck and cervical regions. It should be tried when Rhus Tox. and Aesculus fail. Hip- joint diseases with pain of severe type.

Hypericum: Severe nerve pain in the hip joint.

Eupatorium Perf: Backache deep into the bones with terrific thirst and chill. This may be due to after effects of malarial fever, etc.

Calcarea Flour: Lumbago worse during rest and better from heat. Pain in back extending to the sacrum. Try when Rhus Tox. fails.

Sulphur: Lumbago in venous subjects; cannot walk erect. Drawing pain between shoulders. Worse at rest. Burning in soles and hands at night. Sweat smelling like garlic.

Rhododendron: Tearing pain in all limbs. Lumbago from dry cold; worse at rest and on approach of storm. Better after warmth and eating.

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