In case of tetanus, the patient’s body becomes curved like bow. It is a type of dangerous infectious disease of the nervous systems that occurs due to bacteria called ‘Chlostridium Tetani.’ This disease occurs due to tie bandage on wounds with old and dirty clothes and by coming in contact of animal stools. It can be also occur due to using instruments without cleaning them well, inject old injection, using old rusted tools that are used in surgery, using rusted cloves and blades, using knives without killing bacteria, etc. There are two kinds of this disease- swambhut and abhighatic. Swambhut- A type of tetanus that occurs after becoming the nervous systems out of order due to blood poisoning.
Abhighatik- A type of tetanus occurring by neuralgic stimulation by getting deep injury on any part of the body.
Normally, this disease does not occur due to cutting and tearing the skin, but when wounds occur on the place of cutted part, it occurs.
In this disease, first of all, patient has no strength for opening his mouth; the neck becomes curved after tough ness; pain starts in the throat; the jaws are locked. The patient’s face is dried up; facial muscles becomes tough causes feeling of strain like unconsciousness and patient feels as if face has become heavy. In this disease, patient goes on staring. In the last, the entire body becomes curved after stiffness. This disease can occur in all ages. The bacteria are found in the patient’s urine that is the main reason of tetanus.
In the condition of swambhut tetanus, if the patient feels fast strain in his body, taking these drugs is very useful- Hypericum 30, Nux-vomica 1x, Inanthi 3x, Arnica 3, powder of Strychania 6x, Hydromianic-acid 3, etc.
Drugs that are used in this disease:-
1. Arnica- If the patient feels pain by pressing little on the obsessed part, giving Arnica 3 is beneficial.
2. Hypericum- This disease has known to be very useful in both the types of tetanus, but especially in abhighatik tetanus.
3. Inanthi- If the face of the patient suffering from this disease has fallen blue, Inanthi 3 should be taken.
4. Aconite-radix- In the case of tetanus, if the patient feels cold with stiffness and sweating, Aconite-radix 1x should be taken.
5. Acid-hydro- If deep wounds have appeared due to cut and the patient’s body has curved backward, taking Acid-hydro 3 or 30 is very useful.
6. Nux-vomica- If this disease occurs due to getting any type of injury or cut and the patient is bended backward, Nux-vomica should be used.
7. Phystigma- If the muscles of the body become tough in this disease, Phystigma 3 should be taken for its treatment.
8. Cicuta-Virosa- In the case of tetanus, if different symptoms are found like- the patient’s body becomes stiff; he goes on staring in only one direction; unconsciousness comes; the symptoms of disease get aggravated by touching at the time of stiffness; having difficulty in breathing; the face becomes red; foam comes out from the mouth etc., treat such patient immediately and give Cicuta-Virosa 6.
Use of few special drugs for getting benefits soon:-
- In the case of tetanus, mix 3.50 ml of the mother tincture of Calendula in 28 ml of water and then apply it on the affected part. Rubbing ice on the patient’s back also provides relief in this disease.
- With above said drugs, following drugs can be needed- Bell, Lachesis, Rhus-tox, Cuprum, Ignatia or Stramonium, etc.
- If any above said symptoms is found in the patient, in its initial stage, give above said drugs at an interval of every 20-20 minutes. It provides relief in the disease.
The room of the patient should be kept clean and enters in his room without shoes; his bed should be kept clean.
- In this disease, taking easily digestible things like- milk, sabudana, etc. again and again is very useful.
- If symptoms of violent stiffness are found in the patient, Chloroform or Bromide of Potassium should be used.
Important tips-
Taking precaution is very useful in this disease. The injection of tetanus should be injected after any type of injury. Protect small wounds and scratches from dirt and tie that part with clean clothes.