- The disease occurred due to changing of the structure, formation or condition of the layer membrane inside the heart is called ‘Chronic Endocarditis’.
- Mostly, this disease occurs due to burning sensation of the layer membranes inside the heart. Beside it, this disease also occurs due to giving birth many times, gout, syphilis, taking additional liquor (alcohol), toughness of the arteries, burning sensation in the urinary glands, etc. Normally, this disease can occur in any age, but especially in the young age and old.
- It occurs due to appearing wounds in the layer membranes inside the heart or becoming the tendinal of the cartilage, difficulty in closing the heart cartilage properly, etc.
- When heart cartilage does able to closed due to growth of any other fibers in the heart cartilage or closeness of the heart cartilage with side part (armpit) of the body, etc., it is called ‘Vulvular Stenosis’.
- When blood goes on coming out whether in little volume from the heart cartilage, it is called ‘Regurgitation’.
- In the case of such heart related disordering, the heart has to perform much, because the blood is not able to circulate properly in the entire body due to doing normal function of the body during this disease. In this way, the heart muscles are obsessed due to working more than normal. This condition is called ‘Chronic Endocarditis’.