At the times of natural miss happenings, some people feel nauseate and vomiting while walking near seas. They are not able to straight their head. Vomiting starts to take place while sitting and stop just after lying down on the bed. It is called sea sickness.

It does not affect all the people. It occurs while journey on a boat that runs on high and low water waves or while traveling in a particular vehicles.

Mostly, it occur in those whose hritpind is weak, nerves go on throbbing, heart starts beating by itself, etc. Mostly, it is not so dangerous. When a person, who has the possibility of occurring this disease, has to travel on a boat or any other vehicles, he should be made lying down on the bed while traveling and easily digestible liquid food should be given to him. This disease also occurs due to eating more than hunger . 

Symptoms :-

The following symptoms are also found in the patient suffering from sea sickness like- vertigo with coming vomiting, nauseate, feeling much lethargy, empty stomach, headache, etc.

Treatment with different drugs:-

1. Bryonea-

If the patient of this disease remains silent, lie down with motions less posture with other symptoms like- vertigo with vomiting, nauseate, lethargy in the body, empty stomach, headache, etc., treatment with Bryonea 30 is very useful.

2. Coffea-

If the patient has been suffering from continuous troubles, non stop vomiting, headache with coming out mucus (phlegm) from the stomach, etc., Coffea should be used for its treatment. 200 potency of this drug is very useful.

3. Emomorphia- 

In the case of vomiting while sea journey, Emomorphia 3 or 6 should be used for treatment.

4. Cocculus-

If the patient feels nausea and vomiting just after raising his head from bed, vertigo, torsion in the stomach, etc., Cocculus 6 or 30 can be used to cure such patient.

5. Petroleum- 

In the condition of feeling nauseate while traveling in vehicles or bus or ship, Petroleum should be used, but he should necessarily have the following symptoms- violent nauseate, vomiting, vertigo, headache, etc. such patient should start to take Petroleum as two doses before two days of sea journey and 30 potency of this drug should be taken just after starting the ship engine.

6. Antim-tart- 

If the sea sickness patient has the following symptoms-sudden feeling of pressure in the stomach, vomiting, lethargy and nausea, etc., Antim-tart 6 or 30 can be used to cure this disease.

7. Emomarphous-

If sudden vomiting comes with nausea, vomiting due to vertigo, etc. symptoms are found in the patient suffering from sea sickness, Emomarphous 6 should be used to cure such symptoms.

8. Nux-vom- 

If symptoms like- coming sour vomiting, feeling pressure in the duodenum and hearing humming sound in the ears, etc. are found in the patient suffering from sea sickness, using Nux-vomica 6 is beneficial to cure his disease.

9. Staphisagria- 

Vertigo, hating with tobacco and intoxicating materials, feeling as if duodenum starts to swing and if it does not hold anything, it will fall down, etc. symptoms are found in the patient of this disease then using Staphisagria 6 is beneficial for the treatment of such symptoms.

10. Theridium-

If the patient, suffering from sea sickness, has been suffering from closing his eyes while drinking water, seeing water while wandering and vomiting, etc., Theridium 3, 6 should be taken to cure his disease.

11. Aconite- 

If a person starts on fearing while sea journey, Aconite 30 should be used for its treatment.

12. Borax-

If a person start fearing at the time of being the ship up and down on sea waves while sea journey and starts on feeling nauseate, using Borax 3x is beneficial for the treatment of such patient.

13. Seniquila- 

If the symptoms of this disease start on ameliorating by drinking cold water during wandering and aggravate in hot room; having desire for eating cold things, etc., Seniquila 3 or 6 should be used to cure this disease.

To cure sea sickness, drugs like- Sulphur, Hayosaymus, Petroleum, Arsenic, Ovista, Igne, Sepia, Selineum or Silica, etc. can be used.

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